3. Dream Come True Chris X Reader

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You were laying in bed, cuddled up in Chris' strong arms. Chris was stroking your hair while his fingers gently traced over your neck.

"You okay ?" Chris asks

"Hmmm just very happy I could just lay and stay here like this forever with you Captain" You smile.

You look to Chris and see him smiling at your little comment. Chris quickly kissed your cheek. 

"You hungry ?" Chris asks you

"Hmm yes very" you reply

"What would my lady like to have for breakfast ?" Chris asks you.

"Maybe some toast with a nice fruit salad" You say

"Okay would you like eggs too or I can make you toast on jam ?" Chris offers

"Hey you don't need to be doing all this for me, you know I'm not a big eater plus I do like a small fruit salad apples, pears, green grapes, melon and banana" You say.

"Okay princess but you know I like to spoil my lady" Chris says 

"I know you do but I don't need to be spoiled I only want and need you" You say as you wrap your arms around him. 

This causes Chris to chuckle at you. 

"You know your arms are no match for me babe" Chris laughs

"I know and I also know that you love having that advantage over me plus ypur also a lot taller than me too" You say as you pout. 

"And stronger too" Chris says as he reminds you. 

"So you got any plans for today or tonight ?" You ask.

"I'm actually off work today but tomorrow I'm back to work and working on the set of Avengers 4 but I can't actually tell you about it" Chris informs you. 

"Nooo please don't tell me about it, I wanna see it for myself" You tell Chris.

Chris laughs at what you just said.

"I know you do babe but most of us are being kept in the dark with most of the aspects of it" Chris tells you.

"I'm sure overall it's gonna be a great movie and I can't wait to see my favourite superhero again" You say with a huge smile on your face. 

"Remind me again who your fave is" Chris asks with a smirk on his face.

You take this as your chance to tease him. 

"Hawkeye" You say

Of course Chris knew you loved him and Captain America and Captain America was your favourite superhero.

"Very funny babe but I know for a fact that Captain America is your fave" Chris says with a smirk.

"On set everything is a lot different, we all get to see the finished cut at the premiere" chris added.

Once everything was ready for breakfast, you and chris sat down and enjoyed your food and talked about different things. After breakfast, you headed up to your shared bedroom to get ready for the day. You were looking threw your clothes trying to decide what to wear when Chris walked in. 

"What are you gonna wear today ?" Chris asked you

"I don't know yet, are we going out or staying in ?"  You asked him.

"You decide" Chris said, letting you choose. 

"I don't really mind as long as I get to spend some time with you today and tonight maybe we could just have a nice quiet relaxing night in" You suggest

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