8. He Finds Out You've Had His Baby Part 2 Steve X Reader

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He Finds Out You've Had His Baby After He Broke Up With You Part 2 Steve X Reader (Continuation from You Find Out Your Pregnant After He Breaks Up With You) (Title was too long  to write at the top ^^) 

Your POV

"AAAhhh Tony Please can we move a bit faster" You beg as you scream feeling another contraction. 

"It's okay Y/N we will get you to the hospital in time" Pepper tells you reassuringly.

You had just told Tony you thought you were in labour when Pepper arrived home in time to help. She had helped you into the car and asked Tony pick up the hospital / baby bag you had packed a few weeks ago with Pepper's help of course. Tony picked up the bag and put it in the passenger's seat whilst Pepper had sat with you in the back. Pepper did her best to comfort you and keep you calm as Tony drove all three of you to the hospital. In true Tony style, he got you there in no time at all. Pepper helped you out the car and inside while Tony went to park the car. Tony had already called ahead to let the hospital know that you were making your way there and explained the situation. 

You were taken away to your own private delivery room. The Midwife and nurses had taken great care of you and monitored you threw your labour. 

"Where has Tony gotten too ?" You ask panicked. After all he did promise to be there for you at the most important time which was right now. 

"I'm sure he'll be right up" Pepper reassures you.

Tony POV

I had just parked my car in a very safe space well my own space actually. Of course a billionaire like myself has his own car park space. I just walked into the hospital with the bag I was about to make my way to the private delivery room when a few familiar voices called my name and caught me off guard.

"Tony ? What are you doing here ?" Steve asked.

Time to think fast and make up the best lie possible and believable to them I thought to myself.

"Why do you have a baby bag with you ?" Wanda asked

"Is Pepper here too ?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, but this is for one of Pepper's friends, she's in having her baby but Pepper forgot the bag since they were in such a rush, sorry I really need to go and get this to them before I see something I don't want or need too" I say with a fake smile before turning and practically running off. 

Steve POV

"Is it just me or was he acting really weird ?" Clint asked

"Come on, it's Tony isn't he always acting weird or like he is up to something ?" Nat joked.

"I agree, he is up to something" I say watching the space where Tony had just turned and run off from.

"Do you guys think maybe it could be Pepper but they are just keeping it all hush hush ?" Sam asked

"No, if it was Pepper I think they would want everyone to know just like their wedding" Nat pointed out. 

Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I quickly took out my mobile.

"Hey any of you guys know how to do that GPS track thing ?" I asked holding up my phone.

"Yeah most of us do but why do you want that ?" Nat asked confused.

Before I could answer, Sam answered for me.

"He wants to track Tony's mobile and his movements" Sam informed everyone.

"Is that really wise ?" Thor asked

"I really don't think that is a good idea" Bruce said

We all looked over at Bruce questioningly. 

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