17. We're Stuck In Here...Together Steve X Reader

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Your POV

Your not sure when or even how this happened but it did. You had secretly fallen in love with Steve Rogers aka Captain America. You hadn't told or even admitted this to any of the others as you didn't want to be teased or anything by them. The only person you had told however was your private diary. You made sure to always write your private and most secret thoughts with your door locked so none of the others could just walk in and look or steal your diary and share it with the others. The only thing was your feelings had only grown stronger the more you were around Steve so you tried to be around him as little as possible. It hadn't occurred to you yet if any of the others had picked up on this. You had even skipped meal times with the others just to avoid Steve. You were currently sat on your bed deep in your thoughts but were soon brought out of them by a knock on your door. 

"Come in" You called out.

The person on the other side tried opening your door but had no luck. You suddenly remember you had locked it from your side but hadn't unlocked it. You quickly hid your diary safe then opened the door. 

"Hey Y/N, you okay ? what's going on ? Why was your door locked ?" Natasha asked as she walked into your room. 

"Hey Nat, come in" You say closing the door.

"Don't be like that Y/N, I came here to check in on you, make sure your okay, we're all worried about you" Nat explains.

"We ?" you ask suddenly a little startled.

"Yes we, myself, Tony, Clint, Bruce, Sam, Steve, Wanda, Vision and Bucky" Nat informs you.

"I'm fine, I just haven't been feeling too well recently" You explain to her.

"You've not been feeling too well in yourself or around Steve ?" Nat asks.

You look at Nat with your eyes wide and scared.

"What are you talking about ?" You ask Nat.

"I'm not stupid or blind Y/N, I can see you have feelings for him" Nat says stating the obvious. 

"I-" You begin wanting to deny she gave you a stern look causing you to back down.

"Maybe I do, I don't know what to do about it so I've been avoiding him anyway I can and I've even thought about...." You begin but trail off.

"Thinking about what Y/N ? Telling him ? Asking him out ?" Nat begins throwing questions at you.

"No, none of that, I really don't want him to know, I already know he doesn't like me like that or have feelings for me" You tell Nat.

"Then what were you thinking of doing  ? And how do you know how he feels ? Have you asked him ?" Nat asks again as she sits down on your bed. 

"I was thinking of leaving" You say in a lower voice.

"What ? You CAN'T !" Nat tells you in a serious tone.

"I only said I had been thinking of leaving not that it was for certain. It just seems like the easiest way out, so I don't make a fool of myself in front of Steve, you or the others" You tell Nat. 

You and Nat sat talking for about another hour or longer, you weren't sure how long. It stunned you how Nat knew but you felt a little relieved to have talked to Nat. Nat had promised not to say a word to the others and you trusted her. 

Nat's POV

I was sat around the table with the others except Steve and Y/N. 

"Serious guys we have to do something to help those two out" I said to the others.

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