5. Cheats Chris X Reader

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You took one last look at yourself in your full length bedroom mirror. You were starting your new job today as Chris Evans PA. You still couldn't believe that you had even gotten an interview for the job let alone the actual job. You had always been a massive fan of Chris since you can remember. You quickly checked your watch for the time and decided to leave so you could head over to the building where you would be given your schedule and hopefully meet Chris. You make sure you have everything you need before you say goodbye to your boyfriend.

"Please try and remember to come home to me tonight" Y/B/N (Your Boyfriend's Name) joked.

"Very funny but I'm not the one who forgets who their girl friend is or where they live" You snapped back. 

You had seen it on twitter and other social media about your boyfriend of 2+ years had been caught kissing other girls and even caught leaving their apartments. When you confronted him about it, he tried to deny it until you showed him all the proof. Once he confessed to you, he begged you not to leave and to give it another go between you both. You agreed but you set your rules and conditions for him. 

"Seriously Y/N are you ever going to let that drop ?" Y/B/N asked sounding very aggrivated.

"Who knows maybe one day, okay I'm off to my new job see you later" You said as you grabbed your bag and coat. 

You made it to the building safely and early which surprised you a little. On your way to work, it gave you time to cool down and think about things and your situation with your boyfriend. You put the whole situation to the back of your mind for the time being. All you honestly wanted to do was concentrate on your new job without any distractions. Once you checked in with reception, you were told to go up to the 27th floor, the top floor in the building. Once there, you were given your schedule and the  key to your own office. You were also told to go and introduce yourself to Chris once you had gotten yourself settled in. 

Once you had taken off your jacket and put it around your chair, you took a quick look at your schedule while your computer was loading up. The building was very modern but also very expensive looking and everything inside it looked expensive and top of the range. You wanted to take your time until you felt the courage to go and introduce yourself to Chris. YOu weren't even sure if he was in a meeting talking about new projects he could land. After 15 minutes you knew you couldn't put it off much longer and decided to go to Chris' office and introduce yourself. YOu could feel yourself shaking as your legs felt like they had turned to jelly. When you found yourself at Chris' door, you gently put your ear to the door to make sure he wasn't in a meeting or on the phone. You didn't hear anything to indicate this so you decided to knock. Just as you were about to knock a male voice which came from behind you, caught you off guard and startled you. 

"May I help you ?" A very familiar Boston accented voice asked.

You turned around, before your very eyes there stood Chris Evans. You couldn't believe your eyes. You just stood there staring at this beautiful human being in front of you. You never admitted this to anyone before but you had always had a small crush on Chris. 

"Urrmm hi...I'm Y/N your new PA Mr Evans" You say shyly as you hold your hand out. 

"Ah yes my team said you would be starting today, please call me Chris, Y/N" Chris said as he gently shook your hand then kissed it. 

You swear you could feel the butterflies erupt inside your stomach. 

"How are you settling in so far ?" Chris asked as he opened his office door and let you into his office. 

You looked around in awe at his office. Over by the window was a small business table with about six chairs, 2 on the left, 2 on the right, one at the top end of the table and one at the bottom end. On the wall behind the business table was a massive tv. and in the middle of the room was Chris' table which held his computer, a small lamp and a fan. At the other end of his office was a white sofa and 2 white seats. It looked so soft and cosy. 

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