6. Cheats part 2 Chris X Reader

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You woke up in the middle of the night. Something confused you though. Someone warm was cuddling you close to them. You were confused as you remembered everything from the previous day about being kicked out of your apartment thanks to y/b/n. As you slowly turned around, you were shocked to see your new boss laying there next to you sleeping peacefully. You remembered eating and then talking with him. It suddenly hit you, had you broken some kind of rule ? Would you still have a secure job ? How would you look Chris in the eye ? How would you look Y/E b/n (your ex boyfriends name) in the eye ? Were you two even still together ? You weren't sure yet. You carefully moved away from Chris and walked out of his room quietly. You knew you wouldn't get back to sleep now so you decided to have a quick shower to freshen up and get ready for work, providing you still had your job. You quickly looked threw your clothes and picked out your outfit for the day. 

Once you were dressed, you made your way into work to your office. You got to work right away but couldn't shift the feeling of nervousness you felt as you waited for Chris to come in. You checked the schedule for that day and saw that he had a photo shoot. Chris had come in about 9 am that morning. You were busy typing away, responding back to some emails about setting up some interviews when a light knock came to your door. Thinking it was someone dropping off some mail or something for you, you called out for them to enter.

"Come in" You said as you typed away. You looked away from the screen and up to the door. 

You were shocked when Chris walked in and closed the door, locking it behind him.

"Can we talk please ?" Chris asked as he looked over to you.

This was it, no way of escaping this you thought to yourself. 

"Yes sure, what's wrong ?" You asked already knowing. 

"Well you were gone this morning when I woke up and rushed out early to get here without even speaking to me" Chris said as he walked over and sat down in front of you. 

"Last night, I don't know what happened. I don't even know what's going on with me and (Your boy friend / ex boyfriend's name) you explained.

"Seriously ? After what he's done to you ?" Chris asked you could hear the annoyance in his voice. 

You hated to admit this but he did have a point after all. Your boy friend or ex boyfriend had already cheated on you then got you kicked out of your apartment then was caught with other girls. Did he really deserve another chance ? Did he really deserve you ? 

"I know, you were gracious enough to let me stay with you, I left early because I wasn't sure if I still had a job here or if I jepordised it after last night" You admitted honestly to him. 

"You can stay at my place for as long as you like, of course you haven't lost your job. I wouldn't fire you just for something like that" Chris said. 

"Did last night make me a cheat ?" You asked suddenly feeling horrible.

"That's what's bothering you ? That your a cheat ?" Chris asked you. 

You two continued to talk a bit more and get things sorted. Thankfully Chris still wanted you to work for him and said you could still stay with him. It was soon time for Chris to go and do his photo shoot and you were asked to go along since you were his Personal Assisstant. 

You arrived at the place where the photo shoot was being done. Everyone was practically there, well almost everyone. The model who was supposed to be featured with Chris in his photo shoot was double booked and went along with the other job rather than this one. You were inside a small room looking threw paper work whilse the head of the photo shoot and Chris tried to decide on what to do. 

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