19. Movie Premier Chris X Reader

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Your POV

From the moment you woke up, you knew you had a busy day ahead of you. You were going to a movie premier with your husband of two and a half years, Chris. You had your dress ready, it was upstairs somewhere safe that you had chosen to hide it from Chris, the only reason you had hid it was because you want it to be a surprise when Chris sees it on you when your ready properly. Chris was already awake but he was downstairs with your 14 month old son. You loved seeing Chris with your young son, he was such an amazing father, he really loved his little family. You made your way downstairs but all you could hear was Chris talking to your son and your son giggling at his daddy. You knew how much Chris had always wanted his own family, of course you also knew that when your son was a little older, Chris wanted to try again for another baby. You had both decided on the name Noah. 

"Good morning, how are my two boys this morning ?" You ask walking into the room.

"Hey Noah look, there's mummy (mommy)" Chris said to Noah, of course this only caused Noah to squeal in pure happiness.

You smiled and joined them both on the sofa. 

"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well last night ?" Chris asked you

"I did, especially since I was in your strong protective arms" You answered smiling at Chris

"We best get this little guy ready to go to my mum's she'll be here to collect him soon" Chris said

His mum had offered to take Noah for the whole day and keep him over night so you and Chris could attend the movie premier together and then have some together time after when you came home. You were really grateful to Chris' mum always being there and offering to help with Noah. After Noah was born, she let you and Chris have sometime together with Noah so you could both bond and learn how do look after him, as Noah got a little older after a few weeks, she had taken him during the day so you could catch some sleep while Chris was at work. You knew your son was safe with her. It also helped that you and her got on really well, you got on well with all of Chris' family and friends. 

"You want to have breakfast then start getting ready while we wait for my mum ?" Chris offered.

"Yeah sure, I'll go cook us something" You smiled before getting up and headed to the kitchen. 

The one thing you did know that you would have to make is a pancake for Noah, he's loved them ever since you and Chris had decided to try him with a little piece of one. 

It was after breakfast when you were in the middle of getting ready when Chris' mum arrived to pick up Noah. You had showered, done your hair and make up but you still hadn't put on your dress yet. 

"You okay there Y/N ? Do you need any help with anything ?" Chris' mum offered you. 

"Would you mind helping me get my dress on quickly ?" You ask

"Of course sweetheart, Chris watch Noah for a few moments while I help Y/N get ready" Chris' mum instructs him.

Chris agrees but doesn't say anything more as he's busy getting ready himself. He was going to be wearing a suit, which you couldn't wait for as you absolutely loved seeing Chris in a suit. 


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