11. Dark Steve - Steve X Reader

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Your POV

You had just returned from being away on a short but successful mission. The only thing was, It was only you, Wanda, Bucky and a few others that got chosen for this mission, your boyfriend, Steve Rogers aka Captain America wasn't asked to go or even offered the chance to go. The only slight problem was that it took a little longer than you had all planned. When you realized it was gonna take longer, you called Steve to let him know, the only thing you weren't planning on was Steve going absolutely ballistic and crushing his phone in his hand and cutting you off before you could finish what you had planned to tell him. 

You'd hoped that by now, Steve had cooled down and would be happy to see you. Maybe you two could spend some time together now, maybe even cuddle up later on and just talk. You always felt better after you talked to Steve, he was such a great listener and he helped you a lot. You grabbed your rucksack bag which contained all your clothes which you took and some necessary essentials. You began making your way inside the Avengers tower and looking for Steve or any of your friends on your way in. A smile soon appears on your face when you spot two familiar faces. 

"Hey Nat, Hey Clint" You smiled as you reached them.

"Hey Y/N" They both said in unison but didn't smile

"What's wrong ? Has something bad happened while I've been gone ?" You ask suddenly panicked

"You could say that, could you meet us all in the upstairs lounge in about 20-30 minutes ?" Nat asked

"Sure it'll give me time to sort out my things here and grab a shower to freshen up and change and hopefully find Steve, I've missed him so much" At the mention of Steve, you notice Nat and Clint exchange a look between them.

"Is Steve okay ?" You ask then your voice full of concern.

"Look Y/N" Clint begins but Nat cuts him off

"Meet us in the lounge when your ready" Nat says before she walks off with Clint. 

This leaves you even more confused and fearing the worst. Had something bad happened to Steve ? Was he hurt ? Injured ? All sorts of thoughts ran threw your mind as you went up to yours and Steve's shared room. You riffled threw your clothes and decided on just a plain black pair of leggings with a baggy top. 

You reluctantly step out of the shower. You always had trouble stepping out of a hot shower. The hot steam water always relaxed your aching muscles. That and when Steve would give your back and neck a massage. You quickly got dressed and put on your deodorants and sprays. You began to sort out all your clothes that were washing and carried them to the laundry room. You checked your watch for the time, you had a few minutes to spare but decided to make your way to the lounge room where Nat had asked you to meet with everyone else. 

As you made your way there, you could feel yourself begin to shake with fear and nerves. You tried not to think of anything bad but the way they had acted earlier, it didn't help you at all. You were quiet enough for the others not to hear you but you could hear them. 

"How are we gonna tell her ?" Clint asked

"We have to be straight up honest with her" Tony said in his stern voice

"What if she doesn't believe any of it though ?" Bruce asked

"I don't know about her but I still can't believe Steve would do any of what your telling us he did" Bucky said. Obviously the others had told Bucky about what had happened before you got there. 

"We all just saw that CCTV video, it's proof, I don't wanna believe it either but the evidence doesn't lie" Sam said.

"What happened with Steve ?" You asked making yourself known to the others.

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