Chapter One: I Thought, I Never

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A/N: Ladies, gents, non-binary friends, children and adolescents of all ages, this is the moment you've waited for. Welcome one, welcome all to the first chapter!

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT read this book if you have not read A School Dream OR The Fortunate and Unfortunate Events #1-12. We're picking up right from the previous prequel, except a little exposition from Clark, Kara, and Cat.

Friday morning, CatCo Worldwide Media

"Kiera, now that you're a junior reporter, go with Clark to interview the new CEO of what's going to soon be known as L-Corp," Cat says as Kara and Clark walk into her office where the new reporter was waiting for them.

Kara nods at Cat. "Yes, Ms. Grant." She and Clark were about to walk out, but Cat's voice stopped them both.

"And get me a latte when you come back."

Kara rolls her eyes at the woman behind her. "Yes, Ms. Grant," she calls over her shoulder. "She still treats me like I'm her assistant," Kara mutters. "Might never grow out of that."

She and Clark walk their way to the company, catching up with each other along the way. After exiting the elevator, they stop at the secretary's desk. The secretary looked up from her computer. "Welcome to L-Corp. I'm Jess. How can I help you?"

"Hi, Jess. We're here for the interview," Clark says, adjusting his strap on his bag.

"Ah, yes. Clark Kent, right?" Once he nods, Jess turns to Kara. "And you're the junior reporter from CatCo, I'm guessing."

Kara nods. "You've got that right."

Jessica motions towards the big wooden doors behind her. "She's expecting you."

"Thank you, Jess."

The two stop in front of the door and Clark turns to his cousin. "I got this. We don't know what we can expect from them. Their family-"

"Give her a chance." Kara lets out a deep breath as Clark knocks on the door.

"Come in!" someone yells on the other side.

Huh, strange. That voice sounds familiar, Kara thinks as Clark holds the door open for her and follows her inside. The chair behind the desk is slightly turned around, and the person is reading some charts and graphs. The chair turns around and Kara's breath hitched. 

"Thank you for meeting with us, Ms. L-"

The chair turns around and Kara's breath hitched. Her eyes widen a bit, seeing the person next to Clark. "Luthor. Lena Luthor." Her jaw almost dropped when her mouth opened slightly as she recognized those earrings, the hair. No, it couldn't be. Lena looks down at her fingers and sees the rings. Oh my God, it's actually her. She kept them. She's here. She shakes off the thought and smiles as she gets up and offers her hand to Clark. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Kent."

Clark takes it and shakes. "The feeling is mutual, Ms. Luthor."

"And who are you, exactly?" she asks, looking at Kara, even though she already knew the answer.

Kara looks down at her neck, seeing the necklace she gave Lena years ago, surprised. Oh Rao, it really is her. She blinks a few times before saying, "Oh, I'm, uh, Kara Danvers. I work at CatCo Worldwide Media. I just tagged along with Clark today. I'm not actually a reporter yet. Well, technically, junior reporter."

Lena nods and smiles. "Could've fooled me. I'm glad you came along, though. Something tells me you're going to be a wonderful reporter in no time."

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