Chapter Twenty-Three: Back In Business

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WARNING: MENTION OF RAPE AND DRINKING FURTHER ON (I will put warnings when it starts and ends) (also if y'all are wondering, Kara has the Kryptosuit for good and still has her s4 hairstyle), and there mayyyyy be a couple of references in here so keep an eye out

"Glad that we're all back," Kate comments as Winn, Alex, Sam, and Supergirl walk down to the mainframe.

"Finally," Alex sighs. "I was going cabin crazy."

"Yeah, crazy with Sam. Ow." The Kryptonian rubs the back of her head in fake pain where Alex and Sam slapped her. "Not cool."

"We did have a small problem while we were gone over the holidays," Demos announces as he approaches them, tapping at a tablet. 

"And you didn't think to call it in?" Alex asks, leaning forward against the table. 

He shrugs. "It didn't bring up a big issue until last night."

"Alright, what've we got?"

"That man was spotted stashing some type of alien weapons," Demos reports as Winn swipes through information on his tablet, taking it in quickly. "Ever since we saw the footage, he's been off the radar for two days. Last known location was downtown."

"Ladies, gents, and my fellow aliens, I give to you—" Winn swipes up to show who he was, making Sam go wide-eyed and pale "—Bradley Grant." As Winn continues the briefing, the CFO's ears go deaf and everything sounds like she's underwater. She backs up slowly, murmuring an apology and excuse before she's out quicker than a candle without oxygen.

Winn stopped suddenly when Alex left swiftly after her, making everyone in the room furrow their brow and watch her jog out. "What was that about?" Supergirl asked.

"We need to catch this bastard," Kate growled, looking up at the guy's mugshot. "Fast."

Alex turned the corner and heard the close of a door that leads outside. She walked over and opened the door to an alleyway, the cool breeze of the cold air hitting her face as soon as she stepped out and over to Sam, who stood in the middle of the way, her back facing her.

"Sam?" She saw her visibly shudder and wipe at her eyes before she turned to her, eyes red and slightly puffy. "Babe, what's wrong?" she asked softly, coming closer to her slowly.


Sam took in another breath, shuddering when she let it out slow. "Bradley..." She shook her head, running a hand through her hair to calm her down. "I knew him. Back in high school when you left." Alex stayed silent, not quite sure where this was going to go.

"He was a rich, spoiled brat that always got high or drunk and was somehow the captain and star quarterback of the football team for three years and running. Well, I think his parents paid the school to let him stay, but whatever."

Sam wiped under her nose with her thumb and crossed her arms as Alex still inched closer. "James convinced me one night to go to a party with him, Kara, and Winn. And it was at Bradley's mansion. Since we were the stupid teenagers we were and the one blonde couldn't get drunk, we drank, minus Winn. Later, I got lost trying to look for the bathroom and when I finally found it, Bradley trapped me in there with him."

Alex furrows her brow at the newfound information. "But when I came home your senior year—"

"I LIED!" Sam yelled. "I lied because I already had my mother kick me out. I lied because I didn't want to feel like more of a failure than I already seemed to be to most people! I lied because I knew if it got out that I was raped, I'd get shamed for it!" The mother was in tears again as they started running down her face. "I didn't admit it to anyone except Kate for when she came into my life because that's when I got the guts to finally tell someone." Alex was finally in front of her, only inches apart as she broke. "I didn't even tell my best friend or my own daughter what happened to bring her in this world."

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