Chapter Twenty-Seven: Resolution

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Mon-El miscalculated, as per usual. The three ended up on the roof instead of the balcony and Supergirl has to speed them both inside, Lena away from the chaos and into the lab where Alex is choking out a Daxamite.

"Oh finally, you're here bitch!" Alex says with a grin as the alien passes out, wiping the sweat from her brow. "We need to get Lena to L-Corp with Winn, it is way too chaotic in here." The word chaotic being emphasized by the vibration of the building from a crash of a Daxamite on the roof.

"My bad!" Batwoman says into the comms. "These flier things are not easy to ride. Do we have enough government funding to rebuild this place?"

"Don't worry about that now, just make sure Supergirl has a clear route to L-Corp and doesn't get ambushed."

"On it." The Super and Luthor have sped out the room, grabbing the device and the nerd from the mainframe and out the balcony.

"Ruby, I need you to go downstairs and help your mom."

"What about you?" She winces when she hears the shattering of glass behind her and Alex steps in front of her, shooting the armed Daxamite in the shoulder with her normal gun, then blasting him with a stun gun.

"I'll be fine, I'll catch up with you soon." Alex kisses her forehead and pulls her hood back up, grinning at her. "Go get 'em, lil' vigilante." She's a little put off by the sudden wrap around her neck, but hugs her back regardless.

"Love you," Ruby whispers.

"I love you too. Come on, I'll get you to the elevator."

Supergirl lands in Lena's lab in the basement of L-Corp, setting Winn and Lena down, away from all the battle and destruction. The higher up they got, the more prone they were to be hit by Daxamites.

"Winn, grab some pliers and a screwdriver, I'll get the—" Lena stops midsentence, glaring as she's forced to step back, revealing it was her mother behind the wall the two friends couldn't see. "Lillian."

"How good it is to see you too," she says with a cold smile, shaking a little vial up to her head. "This is what you need, isn't it?"

"It is the only one I have, if you decide to do anything with it—"

"Catch." Lillian tosses it in the air towards her and her adoptive daughter catches it close to her chest in cradled hands. She looks up questionably at her and the woman only scoffs. "I didn't know she was going to bring her entire population and take this city along with it, trust me, I want this Earth in one piece."

"Why the sudden change of heart?"

"This has nothing to do with change of heart, I just want them off of this damn planet. Now finish it and we can go back to hating each other."

"Or you could go to jail." Supergirl shrugs with a smile. "I see that kryptonite revolver in your pocket. And there's tons of evidence against you to put you away for a while."

"Oh, I think we would all be incredibly satisfied with that," Lena says with a devious grin. "Winn, let's finish this thing so that Kara can disperse it on the roof." 

Lillian just upcurls her lips, which Supergirl narrows her eyes at. "I know what you're thinking, Kryptonian. But don't think for a second this won't go up in flames."

"I doubt that will happen," she says with a threatening step closer. "You're not going to hurt anyone ever again." The building rumbles with a nearby crash from above and everyone has to steady themselves.

"Kara, you need to go."

Lillian raises an eyebrow at her enemy. "Tick tock, Supergirl." The hero glares before she's gone in a blink of an eye. "Lena I—" She stops when a foreign gun is raised to her face as Lena continues to look at the cube.

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