Chapter Ten: Cadmus

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It was late at night and the only office that seemed to be awake was L-Corp's top floor, accompanied by late-night bars. Mon-El came out of one, the alien one to be precise before he walked back on his way to the DEO.

Mon-El stuffed his hands in his pockets in the cold brisk air. He was so cold in fact that he was only paying attention to himself that he didn't notice he was being followed. "Ahh!" he cried out in pain from electrocution. He slumped over in an unconscious heap back into arms that lead Him into a black van that had no one but Lillian herself in the passenger seat.

"Welcome back."

The next day, there was a knock at Kara's door. She furrowed her brow as she wasn't expecting anyone before she went out to the bar. She went to the door to open it and immediately smiled. "Lucy!"

Lucy threw her arms around the taller blonde before Kara twirled her in the air. "Hey, Danvers," she laughed.

Kara sat her down. "About time you came back."

"When Clark told me to bring my ass back here, I already had plans to."

"Uh huh." Kara rolled her eyes. "Sure, Luce."

Lucy snickered. "Okay, that was a lie, but I seriously missed you."

Kara grinned. "Missed you, too. Hey, I was just about to go out to the bar with some friends. Wanna join?"

"Uh, yes. Count me in." The blonde chuckles as she grabbed her purse and walked out with her.

"Not to be interested or anything, but wouldn't Mon-El be here?" inquired Alex as she sat down at the high table with the gang's beers. The SuperFriends gang were all at the alien bar for a night out; Winn, Kara, Alex, Lucy, Kate, Sam, Maggie, and they somehow convinced Lena to come. She got a couple of dirty looks, but when Alex and Maggie walked in behind her, they backed off. Winn, Lucy, and Lena were off playing darts and pool while Sam, Alex, Maggie, Kara, and Kate were at the table with drinks and food.

Sam furrowed her brow. "Mon-El as in the Daximinan jerk, right?"

"Who else?" Kara scoffed.

"Why the hell would he be here?"

"Since this is probably the only place where he could get drunk and pick up a lady friend," Maggie informs. "This is where he regulars."

"I know it's both of your jobs to make sure he doesn't, y'know, get in trouble," Sam says to the Danvers sisters. "But since none of us like him, how about we don't really pay attention to work stuff this evening?"

Maggie nods her head along with Kate and Kara, Alex biting her lip in thought, but soon nods. Maggie raised her beer bottle. "To not paying attention to work crap." Everyone clinks their bottles together, ready for the night ahead.

"You know," Mon-El started to the guard who was walking around the cage. "If you told me why I'm here, I promise it will make good conversation."

The guard said nothing as he walked around to the front of the cage. "Okay," Mon-El sighed. "I give up. What's your favorite baseball team? That's the most popular sport here, right?"  His eyes move down to his left hand, seeing a ring on his ring finger. "Oh, you're married. Clearly, you've been successful in getting someone to get with the likes of you, so... bravo to you. Even though from the looks of you, she probably only got you for what's in your pants," Mon-El continued taunting with a small smirk on his lips.

The guard turns around, pulling his gun out of his holster. "Don't think you're so special that I won't shoot you."

"No," a woman's voice said, making the guard turn and Mon-El's eyes flick over to no one else but Lillian Luthor. "You won't." She smiles down at the alien. "At least not yet."

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