Chapter Fourteen: Don't Be Reckless

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Welcome to SuperCorp Sunday, everyone! Since the show is on hiatus for another week, I thought, why not? I was gonna wait a bit but eh, it's about that time. So, without further ado, let's jump right back into where we left off.

Jake continues to grin at Kara before he looks out towards the hallway. "Alex! Wow, it's two in one."

"Why are you working with Lillian Luthor?" asks Kara, her voice stern as Alex comes out of the shadows and next to her sister.

"The question is why aren't you? Or really, any of you?" Jake turns and sits up, clasping his hands together and letting his arms rest on his knees, an amused look on his face. "Well, minus you, my dear, 'cause of," he waves to the House of El crest on her chest, "y'know."

"Did you come back to National City to hurt Lena Luthor?" Alex asks. "Or any of us?"

"Here's the thing, Alexandra," he says, his eyes flicking up to hers like snakes, seeing that he set her off with the use of her full name, even if she didn't show it. "The summer of Kara and Sam's sophomore year, right after freshman. Kara," he looks over to her, "was a mess. I think we all know why." Kara narrowed her eyes at him as he continued. "Lillian hired me. I still cared and had feelings for you, so I was worried. I took the opportunity because it was to protect you, as she said."

"I clearly remember telling you I don't need your protection," Kara says sternly.

"Yet, I ignored you. Then, when you moved off to college, I figured it was safe, so I backed off. Then, when I heard about a certain name in a byline about a now well-known Luthor," Jake chuckled. "Yeah, I was pulled back into commission."

"And let me guess, she hired Mon-El, too?" Alex asked.

"Right on the money!" Jake claps, standing up and approaching the glass divider between them. "Y'know, I never thought I'd work with that guy," he says, bouncing his index finger up and down, looking towards Kara with some emotion. "I mean, he hurt you, Kara."

"Probably in fewer ways I'm going to-"

"Okay, Alex." Kara had to pull her back from the release button and keep her hands on her shoulders. Both of them gave menacing glares, but the eldest's was most deadly.

"You watch what comes out of your mouth, Puckerman," she growls. "Or God help me, I will call your brother down here to beat your ass himself with the help of me."

Jake tilts his head back and forth. "See here's the thing." He leans his body closer to the divider, almost bowing and keeping his head up, as if he were sharing a secret. "Your threats mean nothing to me." He smiled as he leaned back and paced the cell, his hands clasped together behind his back. "In fact, the one that Lillian Luthor made years ago should've meant something to you. Both of you. No, scratch that." He stops and points, making a circle with the outstretched index finger. "All of you."

"You chose the wrong side, buddy," Kara said.

"Oh, no," he says with a smile. "I'm in the gray. See, Mon-El and I, we just want to protect you. But when push comes to shove," he shakes his head. "Yeah, we don't want to do that, but we will if you force us to."

"Try to lay a hand on my sister and you won't see the light of day," Alex threatens, almost going forward again but having Kara pull her back.

Jake shrugs and sits back down. "Make all the threats you want, but I'm getting out of here soon."

"Like hell you will," Kara scoffs.

He raises his eyebrows as he dips his head a bit with an evil grin. "You sure about that?"

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