Chapter Twelve: Virus

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A/N: Alright, we got an early chapter because it's my friend Supergirl443's birthday today(well, technically tmr but she lives in Germany but whatever)! Happy birthday, Aziza! I know I can't exactly give you what you want (my password so you can read all of the prewritten chapters), but I figured I could dedicate and publish this chapter for you. Have an amazing day, don't let anyone bring down your day to shine. I love you!💕💕

"Honey, why are you wearing your glasses?" Eliza asks as Kara sips at her sparkling water. It was Thanksgiving time now, and the family was once again doing it at Kara's cosy loft.

"Oh," Alex says, entering the kitchen. "Did she not tell you who was coming?"

Eliza raises an eyebrow at her Kryptonian daughter. "No, she did not. Who is coming?"

"A-Alex's girlfriend, her daughter, her sister, and her sister's girlfriend," Kara supplies as she smiles sheepishly. "Did she not tell you who her girlfriend is? Or that she had one?" 

Eliza turns to Alex who was now sheepishly rubbing at the back of her neck. "Alex-"

"Her girlfriend is coming over, too!" she exclaims, pointing a finger at her sister.

"Cut the crap, Alex!" Kara says, throwing her hands out and letting them fall back down. "She is not my girlfriend-"


"It's not going to happen!"


"Danvers!" Both of them turn to Lucy. "Cut it. Both of you."

Eliza turns to her youngest blonde. "I will deal with you later," she says before turning to Alex. "Would you mind telling me who she is?"

Alex groans, but gets saved by a knocking at the door. Kara peers over her glasses and grins, wiggling her eyebrows at Alex. "Here they are." She groans again before Kara opens the door. "Hey, guys! Come on in!"

"Kara!" She chuckles when Ruby hugs her at her waist before she moves onto Alex and crushes her in a hug, making the eldest chuckle and smile.

"What's up, lil' gemstone?"

"Sorry about her," Sam says as she comes in after her. "She's been riled up since this morning. I even made her go out and play soccer."

Kara chuckles as she takes the bags of desserts from her. "It's fine, Sam. No worries."

Lena shrugs off her coat and comes up behind her. "Ruby's always been a little ball of energy."

Sam shrugs. "True."

Eliza grins at the two adults that she saw as children years ago. "My girls sure do know how to keep secrets, huh?"

Alex scoffs from the kitchen. "You have no idea, Mom."

"Mom, you remember-"

"Lena Luthor and Sam and Ruby Arias?" Eliza says without missing a beat recalling their names, making the three smile and blush in return. "Of course. How could I forget?"

Sam hugs the older woman. "It's good to see you again, Eliza."

"The same to you, sweetheart." Eliza gives Lena a hug, as well. "You, too, sweetie."

Lena smiles as she hugs her back. "Your hugs were always spectacular."

"Probably where Kara gets them from."

"Oh, Eliza," Sam says, gaining her attention as she ends her embrace with the Luthor and the door shuts closed. "This is my sister Kate and well, you already know Maggie."

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