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Three months later...

The city was put back together. Buildings were remade, checks were balanced and people were out of hospitals for good. The city was calm. And peaceful, just like it should be.

Kara was finally moved into Lena's apartment, given there's more security for the both of them now that they're both out together as a couple and also the head of CatCo. The reporter's old apartment was now being used as storage for them, or for a little hideout spot if any of them get into trouble.

Alex was killing it as director. Trying to include more unnecessary violent ways of handling aliens and training, getting new agents under her wing. Sam and Lena still helped out from time to time when it called for something serious, but they were always at the ready whenever she needed their assistance.

Now that school was over for Ruby, she was able to hang out there more and train, fighting with Kate at night as vigilante Superkid. The mask fit her perfectly under her hood, making her seem more Robin Hoody minus the bow and arrows and replace them with knives and punches and gadgets. With those responsibilities came with more lying to Sara, who was just questioning why sometimes they would see each other and she'd be bruised or have new cuts. Ruby just covered it up with saying that she was training with Alex for self-defense with knives and agents and she accidentally cut herself.

One thing that was strange that Ruby noticed is that within the next few days after her training, her cuts and marks disappeared. And her hits just started to hurt less. She just shrugged and didn't notice and kept training with her mom day after day.

"You're so fucking reckless, you idiot," Alex mutters, stitching up Sam's arm from a scratch she received from dodging a spiky dinosaur-like alien, thankful it wasn't one of the poisonous ones. The mission they were just on was deadly, but nothing out of the ordinary for them.

"Hey, he needed to go down, I just so happened to get scratched when he did. And don't criticize me, Al, you're the one who literally ran into the fire ring he created with his breath to pull me out of his range when this happened."

"Well, hey, you're one of my priorities, and so happen to be my agent and partner and one of our kid's moms and L-Corp would literally go up in flames if you were to be more injured than this—" Sam cut her off by kissing her softly, feeling her grin against her lips as she wrapped her legs around hers to pull her closer.

She chuckles once they separate. "Not that I don't mind this but babe, we're at work—"

"Marry me." Alex's face slowly went down from her grin as she saw how sincere her partner was being, her heart eyes clearly showing. "Alex, I love you so much," she says, wincing as she moves her arm to take her hands in hers. "This time was too much of a close call compared to every other time throughout all of this—"

"Yes, you idiot you don't have to go into a whole schpiel." The redhead kisses her with a smile. "Dealing with your stubbornness and stupidity—"

"You're stupid, I'm stubborn."

"Shut up," she says with a playful pluck to her shoulder. "I love you, Junior. Through and through with your stubbornness, and I'd love to be beside you forever and watch Ruby grow up."

"Well I'll just say I do now." The two chuckle and kiss again, Sam whimpering and wincing again when she tries to move her arm. "Yeah can you finish that now please?"

"Yes, Mrs. Arias," Alex teases with a smirk, loving to see the blush on her face. "Forever, huh?"

"Yes, dummy."

"Well this might hurt forever if you stop bouncing your leg, it's shaking your entire body." Sam stills her body from her anxiety of the tremendous moment they just went through and smiles when she gets a small kiss on her forehead. "That's my girl."

Supergirl comes flying into the DEO, spinning in the air before landing down next to her sister. "Is it a beautiful day or what?"

"Did Lena get you donuts for breakfast and you had a work lunch date?" Alex asked without even looking up from her tablet.

"Yes, and we finished planning with Sam and Kate for a joint gala fundraiser for the Black Lives Matter movement."

"That's amazing!" Alex bumped her hip with her sisters. "Proud of you."

"You too."

"Hey, guys." Kate is sporting a small frown, nodding her head side to side. "Don't be freaked out—"

"Ah shit," Winn mutters from his work station.

"But Sam is coming with Lena and Ruby with an urgent situation."

"We literally just died down from one of the worst things to happen in this city, why can't we catch a break?" Supergirl groans.

"Belive me, we could all use it." Lena comes in from the top entrance from the stairs, joining them. "Then again, that brunch a couple of weeks ago was probably our best bet."

"Where's Sam and Ruby?" the director asked.

Lena opens her mouth to try and say something, but ends up stuttering as she fidgets with her hands and just sighs. "It's best if you just come with me." Everyone looked at each other back and forth and slowly followed her to the training room, unlocking it and finding Sam standing there, staring at her daughter in shock.

"What the hell!?" Alex gasps quietly, just as surprised as everyone else at the sight.

Ruby is floating. Like, in the air. Sam wasn't holding onto her or anything, just watching her hover above the training pad.

The kid has scared look on her face as she just looks back and forth between her parents. "Moms? What's happening?"

"I have no idea, babes," Sam murmurs, just circling her. She stops and puts her hands in her pockets, looking at the only alien in the room. "What do we do?"

"Run tests, collect data, anything we can," she lists off, shaking her head slightly with a small shrug. "This is... extraordinary."

Sam glares at her grinning sister. "The hell are you smiling for?"

"Nothing." Kate just laughs, clapping Winn's shoulder and slightly shakes him. "This is going to be amazing."

"Tell me about it," he whispers, just in awe of the kid getting further away from the ground as she stares at herself. "A legitimate Super Kid. Who would've thought."

"We don't know what she is exactly yet, but we're gonna do everything we can to find out." Kara inhales sharply and nods to Lena. "Let's get to work."


a note from jay:

hi. I'm just going to answer these questions here because I feel like they'll be coming soon.

Q) Will there be a third book?

A) No. I'm leaving it here at the epilogue so that you guys (the readers) can have an open mind and finish the story however you may think it to be :)

Q) What comes next?

A) To be honest, I'm not sure. I'm working on a bunch of one-shots before school starts so I can publish them to keep you all entertained. I do have ideas for a couple of books, both Supergirl and non-Supergirl related (SPOP) and given they will take time, I don't know when they'll be out next.

If you guys have anymore questions, leave em here or in my inbox for me. thank you all for this incredibly journey with my stories and your endless support. I've made countless of friends and I appreciate every single one of you who's been along for the journey. I love you guys, can't wait to see what's next for us 💙

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