Chapter Twenty-One: Confrontation

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Maggie comes into the forensic's lab, nodding at Ella. "Lopez. Front desk said you wanted to see me. What's up?"

She looks up from the files and nods at the entrance. "Close the door."

The detective raises an eyebrow but does it anyway, keeping eye contact to try and detect whatever she was hiding, leaning forward on the table on both hands. "It's not good, is it?"

Ella's mouth quirks up as she shakes her head, pushing a file towards her, flipping to the back. "I didn't tell Chloe or anyone else from my department, but with the info we got from the illegal weapons dealer in LA, he was shot with the same bullets my department uses."

Maggie's eyebrows go up. "Okay, let's say it was from your department since it's your district. Another cop gone bad?"

"Or maybe one who's never turned back into one."

"Right, but how can we prove it was him? I mean, for all we know, it could be anyone in your department."

"That's where it gets worse." Ella grabs a file from her bag at her feet and opens it. "The last place where Dan's cruiser was before the time of death and scene of the crime? Not even a mile away from the scene."


"It would be useless, they couldn't capture what he allegedly did."

Maggie stands up, tapping her finger on the table. "Why would he murder him?"

"Is there any other major thing with illegal dealings here? Since, y'know, your city is known for having the most aliens."

Her eyes go wide. "Maldita. Luthor."

Ella blinks. "I'm sorry, Luthor? As in—"

"Yes, Lex, Lillian, and Lena Luthor, who's also my sister," she explains impassively as she gets out her phone. "There's been a shit ton of aliens and alien weapons, damn." She paces as the phone rings, tapping along the table.


"LD, I'm adding your sister, Sam, and Kate," she explains pulling her phone away to add them to the call, putting it on speaker.

"What's going on?"

"Something very bad's going to happen," she mutters. She racks her brain and mutes the call, looking up at the CSI. "I'm about to trust you with something very important, you cannot tell anyone and this call is very vital, do you understand?"

Ella nods seriously. "You got it." Maggie nods in thanks and the others pick up.




"Damn, that was very creepy," Maggie says, putting down her phone in the middle of the table.

"We're at the DEO, you're on call with us and Winn."

"Listen up, gang. I'm with Ella Lopez at NCPD, we found something."

She hears sighs. "Maggie, do you realize—"

"Danvers, shoot me later; right now, we gotta handle this."

Kate and Alex make eye contact and the former nods and Alex silently sighs. "Alright, what is it?"

Maggie nods at Ella and she goes into a rapid explanation. "Alright, so. The weapons dealer was shot with a gun first before getting hit with the alienated weapon. What I found was that the type of bullet that was used was one by cops in my department in LA."

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