Chapter Twenty-Five: Tick, Tock... Trap

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this lovely chapter is for the wonderful PLurpypie1O1 cause my child is wonderful and she deserves all the love and happiness so hi i love you enjoy the chapter everyone

Since all the catastrophes from yesterday happened so late, everyone tried to get some rest, but some were more anxious than others. In this case, Kara wanted to go for a fly, but didn't want to leave Lena alone, nor did anyone want her out there when the stakes were high. Alex and Sam didn't want them to be alone either, so they encouraged them to stay at their house for the next couple of days until they sort things out.

Alex blinks multiple times, trying to get her early brain working. "Did you stay working the entire night?"

"Whenever she's anxious, she works her ass off," Sam and Kara say at the same time, the brunette already making breakfast at the kitchen at six am as the blonde rubs at her girlfriend's shoulder. 

"Guys, I'm okay, I swear."

"Your heart says otherwise," Kara pokes at as Sam slides over a refill cup of coffee on the counter and Lena sighs in defeat, closing her laptop and pushing aside the VR headsets to lean on the counter, holding her mug. 

"T-minus forty hours, what've we got?" Alex asks, pouring her cup.

"I got down the head-mounted display, sensors for auditory and motion, and since Kara and I are going to be projecting it from here. Kara, you put in the stronger display and motion, right?"

"Yep, just need to get down the hearing visual, which I can do." A ring from her phone made her face say otherwise. "On second thought, gotta go in for a quick minute."

"Did you—"

"Haven't said anything but we need to talk about it, be back in a minute." The blonde speeds out of the room faster than anyone can tell, making her sister suspicious.


"Don't worry about it," she says in her cup, looking away from the couple who glance at each other suspiciously.

"These are the papers that you need to sign that Lena already signed for her part." Kara nods as she takes off her glasses, rubbing her eyes as she leans back. "What's on your mind?"

She shakes her head, looking up at the ceiling. "I'm worried."

"You worry too much," Cat scoffs, getting the younger's attention back with a glare towards her, which makes the eldest smirk. "But with good reason."

"You really think me taking over with Lena will be for the best?"

"Absolutely!" The woman stands up to pace around the office from her desk. "You two work well together, I know it from all of the chemistry you have, I can see it in your eyes. You love her so much and with love, you can accomplish anything together." Cat sits down on the couch, facing her. "So what are you afraid of?"

The reporter has to pour herself a glass of water and downs it all with a sigh. "Because I don't want to lose her again, nor do I want any of my family to get hurt."

"And they won't thanks to you. Kara, you've saved our city multiple times, what makes you think you won't save the love of your life?"

"Because I couldn't see through it the first time, I couldn't see that it was Lillian, how powerful she was to split us."

"But now, you don't have to live in solitude, not telling her about being Kryptonian. Side by side, you all can do this, I know you can. You've just got to have faith in yourself and your team."

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