Chapter Twenty-Eight: We Did it

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"This is gonna take a while to clean up," Kara mutters, dangling her feet over the edge of the building. Currently, she was sitting on the edge of the broken balcony at the DEO, looking over the city as the sun set from afar, observing the disaster the invasion brought. Buildings collapsed, windows were broken, streets were torn up, cars damaged. It was a lot. Some fires were started throughout the invasion so Supergirl put them out earlier with the help of the fire department.

She muttered those words mainly to herself, but also knew that the woman behind her heard her as she sat down behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist as she sighed. "I think with a bit of help from some friends, we can work it out. With some late nights, early mornings and a lot of money, we can get this city looking brand new within a few months."

Kara leaned back into her girlfriend's hold, looking up at her at a weird angle from under her jawline, observing her facial features before Lena chuckles. "What, hon?"

"I love you." It's amazing how three little words could change everything in the atmosphere. Whether it be shock, emotion, reciprocation... It's honestly a game-changer.

"I love you too. Forever and always, right?"

"Of course." Kara presses a kiss on her jawline and smiles, holding onto her hands as she brings them around her shoulders. "How's Ruby's suit? Or should we call it Winn's?"

Lena sucks her teeth with a smile. "It's fine, just a couple of stitches."

"Hey! I heard my name!" Ruby hops up the stairs and slides next to them, leaning up against the concrete, her parents following her with grins. "What's up?"

"You should add a cape," Kara suggests as Alex leans back against the wall, Sam sitting next to Lena.

"You're just missing your cape, huh?"

"Maybe," the Super mumbles with a small pout, getting the brunette to laugh.

"I'll keep that in mind." Kara hums as they watch the sunset as it reflects the city's damage and what more work that needs to be done. "What's on your mind? I can hear you thinking."

"Just how much we can accomplish now that the major threat in our lives is gone." Winn was able to get Lillian into police custody once Lena was on the way upstairs to set off the device, so now she's in prison and ready to be tried within the next week. "And you know, living our lives together."

"That's one of the things I wanted to talk about with you guys." Kara looked up at her, urging her to go on. "Now that Sam is CEO of L-Corp and we're running and owning CatCo together... I don't think we'll be able to keep our relationship a secret from the press anymore. Especially since we are the press now, and Sam's more of a popular figure."

"Oh, so you're saying I wasn't popular before?" Sam sucks her teeth and nudges her shoulder. "What kinda friend are you?"

"So you're suggesting that we go public?" Alex says, getting back on topic with an eyebrow raise.

Lena shrugs. "Only if you guys are up to it."

The redhead looks at her partner and immediately grins. "I would love nothing more. Hell fuckin' yeah, why not."

"You owe me thirteen dollars now."

"Yes, I'm aware," Alex sighs, fishing out a twenty, smiling when the kid takes it. "Keep the change."

"Hey, Rubes, you know what you owe the family?" Sam grins as her kid has an unsuspecting look on her face. "You owe us an introduction to your girlfriend."

She groans as the two other adults on the balcony turn around. "Girlfriend?" they ask simultaneously, Kara with a grin and Lena with a raised eyebrow with her smile.

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