Chapter Seventeen: Family All Together... Again

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Alright, we're back with a new chapter after 3 weeks; I hope we remember what happened last chapter (I kinda don't whoops). Recognize this chapter title? There's also a good amount of references in this chapter, so enjoy those.

Instead of walking, it always meant flying for one Kara Danvers. When she was out of sight from the house, she went behind some bushes and blasted off, deciding not to change into her Supergirl suit as she flew up high in the atmosphere, getting away from it all.

She didn't have any direction to where she wanted to go. The Kryptonian just flew in the clouds, not giving a care to what was going on below, or what was below her; she just flew aimlessly around the nation.

Kara closed her eyes, just listening to the sounds of the wind blowing in her hair and cape, sounds of oceans and lakes, birds, trees, just... nature. 

She flew around for maybe thirty minutes before she decided to land at some random point, not realizing for a second where she was in the middle of a woods. But when she turned her head to look down the somewhat walked dirt path, that's when she knew.

"This hit really close to home," Kara muttered to herself. She walked down the path, brushing all branches and leaves out her way until she reached a lake. The very same lake she's been to with Lena all those times. Somewhere only they know.

"Wow," she breathed to herself. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, standing out from the few clouds, reflecting its glow off the water of the lake. The sky was turning orange, pinkish hue, too, making it a well, lit up sunset.

Kara walked up to the shore where the water met the sand, listening to the small crash against the shore and her boots, getting lost in the calm sounds of nature as she closed her eyes. It calmed her, listening to nature and not anything else. It's one of the things Jeremiah taught her when she was stressed or when the sounds of the world became too much in her ears.

The peacefulness was interrupted by a loud ringing in her ears, making Kara fall to her knees and groan, closing her eyes tighter in pain as she covered her ears, gasping for breath when it stopped, faintly ringing now.

"Family reunion time," a voice said. She tried to look back at who it was but before she could get a glimpse, she was knocked out cold.


"Where is she?" Alex shook her head as she paced the kitchen, not stopping.

"I don't know, Lena." Everyone in the house was worried. It was sundown and Kara wasn't back. When they finished watching Singin' in the Rain two hours before, that's when no one had the heart to do anything except keep the news on, even if no one paid attention to the news anchor. 

Everyone in the house knew one thing and one thing only:

Whatever happened, it was not good.

Maggie grabbed Alex's arm to stop her from pacing. "You're gonna wear a hole in the floor, maybe one in your head, too. Sit down."

"I can't sit and do nothing. Maggie, my sister is out there somewhere and we don't know what the hell happened."

"Well, you can't do anything since you're technically still injured," Kate said slowly from her stool.

"Watch me do the exact opposite, Kane," she growled.

"Can this not be a repeat of what happened weeks ago?" Sam asked, rubbing her eyes and keeping her thumb and index finger in the corners of her eyes as she thought. "Mags, let her pace, Kate, stop attacking my girlfriend while you and Winn keep looking."

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