Chapter Six: Date Night

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Monday morning...

"Gun robbery on 22nd and Tim street," Alex said in Kara's ear.

"On it." When she crash-landed into the bank, she saw hostages and six guys with rifles and handguns. "If you wanted to make your deposit, it could've been done without the guns," Supergirl called out.

They all turned around to see the Super standing there. "About time she showed up," one guy said.

"Now Supergirl here's the deal," the same guy said. "You stay still and you're going to let us go with the money, and no one gets hurt. If you make a single move, a ray of heat vision, super speed-" the guy mimics a slicing of the throat. "They're all dead." The guy raised up a detonator in his hand.

Winn's voice came through her comms. "Kara, that thing can take out possibly five square blocks."

"You need to get the people out of there or try and find a way to disarm it," Alex says.

"You let us get away with the money. Make a move, they all die."

"Yeah," Supergirl says, shaking her head. "I don't think that's gonna happen."

The guy shrugged. "Fine." He pressed the button on the detonator and the timer on the bomb counted down from one minute. He gave her an evil grin. "Tick tock, hero."

Kara speeds to one of the guys and disarms him, punching him in the gut, making him fall back. The bullets fired ricocheted off her front and back before she takes them down, leaving her with the bomb at 25 seconds. "Alex, can I blow on the bomb to freeze it and take it out?"

"If you do that, then it would freeze the system," Winn answers. "Do it in the sky just in case."

Kara takes the bomb and flies out the hole she came through up into the sky, away from the people. She threw it up into the air to encase it in a frozen sphere before it came back down, connecting with her fist, destroying it for good.

"Great job, Supergirl," Alex says. "Police are on their way."


Blue Eyes: I got a new assignment from Snapper

Blue Eyes: Well, kind of the same from the one I was writing with Clark, but that went off the rails

Lena Luthor: Let me guess, he wants you to write about me and if I have any diabolical plans for the city, as there is a Super here, just like my brother and Metropolis.

Blue Eyes: That's oddly specific. How did you know?

Lena Luthor: I expected as such.

Lena Luthor: I might have also only requested a specific reporter from CatCo to be the only interviewer I have.

Blue Eyes: Yes, it's exactly about that. And you do know now that could be a danger, right? Since my name would be in the byline, putting both of us and maybe our loved ones in danger

Lena Luthor: Darling, I know we have to be precautious, and we will be, I promise, but I'll always be happy to help out my favorite reporter.

"Who you flirting with?" Sam asks as she walks in her office and sees Lena smiling into her phone.

Lena looks up at her friend, seeing a smirk on her face. "Just because someone's smiling at their phone doesn't mean that they're flirting with someone. You of all people should know that."

"Because I'm a mother?" she asks as she sits down in a chair in front of her desk.

"Exactly." Lena looks back down at her new text.

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