Chapter Fifteen: I Can't Lose You Again

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Anyone catches the reference later on, give you a s/o!

"What happened?" asked J'onn once Kara had some cellular regeneration going on, laying under some sun lamps. Maggie called in Kate and she arrived half an hour later with her suit on, ready for a fight. The detective and part-time agent were now back in their clothes, the latter in an all black DEO outfit, though. J'onn was standing protectively at the foot of her bed while Winn was at the door, everyone else surrounding them and inside.

Kara sighed and massaged her temples. "Pull up the map, will you, Kate?"

She did as she was asked and made it go into 3D mode, lighting up the room around them. The three dots were marked as Jake, Alex, and Alex. Jake was with one of the Alex's, the other Alex was on the other side of the city, both at a far equidistance from the DEO, just in opposite directions of east and west.

Kara pointed at the single dot. "I followed Jake. He originally wasn't with the other tracker, maybe about three blocks away. He parked and started to walk his way over and I tried to stop him." She sighed, running a hand over her hair and gripping the back of her neck. "He had synthetic Kryptonite. Not as strong, yet not as weak."

"Does he know he's compromised?" Maggie asks.

"Let's find out." Kate taps on the screen, making the map disappear and footage down near the ground audio come in, instead.

"She came after me," Jake's voice said. "Looking for her sister."

"How the hell did she know where you were?" came Lillian's voice, making the Super's brow furrow in demise.

"I-I don't know."

"Maybe it's because of this," came Cyborg Superman's gruff voice. A hand reached down to the bat-a-rang and he ripped it off Jake's skin, getting a cry of pain from him before he stumbled to the ground.

Cyborg raised the bat-a-rang up to his face. "It's the Bat."

"Oh, it is?" Lillian came up to his side. "Well, if she's here, then so is the Super and the rest of their gang." Everyone in the room scowled at how she knew. "There are too many names to list off, so hello, Super Friends. Here's the deal: you give me the Kryptonian and I'll let the Danvers go. Or you could watch her all die, then slowly one by one I'll come after the rest of you next. You have one hour." Cyborg's hand came down and crushed the weapon, making the feed go blank and the tracker disappear.

"That last location was an abandoned shopping center," Kate sighs. "I don't know what's there for them."

"At least it wasn't another warehouse," Sam mutters.

"What do we do?" asks Winn.

"I'm sending Kate to the original Alex tracker," J'onn says.

"Last I checked, I don't work for you," the Bat says in a low tone, narrowing her eyes at the alien.

"You did."

"She did?" asked Sam, furrowing her brow when her sister turned away from her, realization dawning. "So that's why you were pissed at me when I told you."

"Hey, I had to do it. Otherwise, my family would be more screwed up than it already is!" Sam looked away from her, knowing what she meant.

"With our chances right now with Lillian Luthor and Cadmus, you're a great asset to have against them," the director says, approaching the redhead. "You can back out whenever you want to, but if you join, then this could put all of us at greater safety."

Kate looks down at his outstretched hand and back up at him with a quirk of her eyebrow. "No strings?"

"No strings."

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