Chapter Eleven: Glee Reunion

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Kara's phone rang and she picked it up, holding up a finger to Lucy, Lena, and Sam as they were together on a girl's night. "Hello?" Sam coughed on her wine, making Lena and Lucy laugh. "Rude," she says playfully before turning her attention back to the phone. "Who is this?"

"Honestly, Kara, do you not look at your phone before picking up the phone?"

She grins. "Blaine!"

"Don't forget Kurt!" Kurt chimes in from the background. "We're a package deal, K. Never forget."

"How could I? Let me guess, you guys are on your way?"

"Yep," Blaine answers. "You're gonna have to wait and see who else we bring."

"You're terrible," she groans.

"I'm lovely, thank you very much. We'll all come over to your apartment at three tomorrow afternoon so that we can catch up, and then later, you know exactly what we're doing."

"Great! See you all then." Kara hangs up with a grin and looks over at Sam. "Ready for a high school glee reunion?"

"Not particularly," she answers. "But what the hell? And hey, Luce and Lena get to see you sing."

Lucy raises her eyebrows as she looks over at Kara. "Danvers sings?"

"Wow, she didn't tell you?"

"Lay off, Sam," Kara says with an eye roll and smile. "Sam and I did glee in our last three years of high school while we convinced Alex to do it in her last year."

Lucy's eyebrows went up. "Seems like the Danvers are hiding secret talents." 

"The gang's coming here tomorrow and we're going out tomorrow night. And you're both coming," Kara says before Lucy or Lena could make up excuses. "No buts, no excuses." They gave in with sighs and nods.

"Did Blaine say who was coming?" Sam asked.

Kara shrugged. "We'll have to see. I only know Kurt and Blaine right now."

Lena grins. "I, for one, can't wait to hear you sing. Both of you."

Lucy copies her grin. "Ditto."

"I found a spot that's a cross between a bar and performance area," Kara says with a grin. "And there's a decent amount of people there. "They'll let us use their music equipment, so even Sam could break out her drum skills," Kara says with a grin.

"Only if you break out yours with the guitars," Sam opposes.


The next day, 3:00 pm sharp, Kara hears a knock at the door. She looks over at her sister, Sam, Lucy, and Lena. "No one else is gonna get that?"

"Open the damn door, Kara," Sam says. "It's your apartment."

She opens the door and first sees Kurt and Blaine. "Surprise!" they exclaim.

"You guys!" Kara hugs them both. "I'm so happy to see you!" She lets them in and behind them the rest of the club trails in. "Luce, Lee, this is Rachel, Santana, Quinn, Mercedes, Artie, Sam, Puck, Brittany, Kurt, Blaine, Mike, Unique, Sebastian, and Kitty. All former members of New Directions while Sebastian was always a Warbler and Kurt and Blaine were apart of them before transferring back."

Samantha gives Sam a low five. "What's up, Sam-E?!"

He grins. "Sam-A!"

Unique gives Kara a hug. "Kara, honey, it's been way too long."

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