Chapter Five: Sister & Co. Night

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"Hey! What are you doing here?"

Winn made his way in around Kara, clutching his strap on his bag. "I convinced J'onn to take me here so I could work here since it's floating right above your building. And also to see how Sam and Lena are doing!!!" he says excitedly as he sees the two, jumping up and down at the sight of them.

Sam rolls her eyes and gets up. "You nerd. C'mere." She gives him a hug and rocks him back and forth as he gives her a strong hug.

"Someone has a hangover over here, alright? So kindly shut up," Lena says from the couch.

Winn gasps. "You got the CEO of L-Corp drunk?" he asks in a mocking tone.

Lena rolls her eyes and sits up. "Happened before. Get over here, nerd squad."

Winn gives the young CEO a careful, yet strong hug. "Missed you guys."

"We missed you too, buddy."

Ruby cocks her head at the older man. "You're Winn, aren't you?"

Winn looks at Sam while pointing a single finger at the young girl. "This is your doing."

"I'm totally aware of that. She could probably tell you're you cause I told stories about how you were a baby all the time." Everyone in the room snickers.

"I was not a baby," he protests.

"Then why did you cry when James got milk on your Harry Potter jacket?" Alex asks.

"That was a limited edition of Harry's Quidditch robes jacket," Winn tries to defend.

"What about the Star Wars figurine when you and Alex tried to hunt someone down recently?" Kara asks. 

"That was an extremely rare figurine. You can't expect me to not cry over it."

"Manbaby," Lena stage whispers, making him pout and everyone else snicker.

"Do we have any information on the ship, Winn?" Alex asks.

"Other than it could be from Krypton or Daxam and is hovering above Kara's building- zero. I'll set up my computer to alert us if it has any changes." Winn goes over to the island and takes out his computer and starts typing code.

"In the meantime, what should we do?" Ruby asks.

Kara looks at her sister as they both grin. "Early movie night?"

"Or early sister night with friends."

"Sorry, what's sister night?" Lena asks.

"It's usually just me and Kara, eating potstickers or some type of takeout, ice cream, alcohol, pajamas, and binge-watching," Alex explains. "Although, since you four are here, then it can be sister and friends night."

Lena smiles. "Already in pajamas and we had takeout. Alcohol is something I should not mess with right now."

"Kar? Leftover ice cream that I bought you?"

"More than two gallons still intact." Kara goes to the freezer and calls out flavors. "Cookie dough, cookies and cream, cherry garcia, salted caramel, chocolate brownie, mango, Neapolitan, lemon, the list goes on and on."

"Cookie dough for me!" Ruby calls out.

"Brownie, Kar," her mother says after her.

Kara throws Winn his usual salted caramel, resulting in him clumsily catching it. She gets her cherry garcia and Alex's Neapolitan and everyone else's pints and hands out spoons and pints. She snatches Lena's tablet out of her hands. "Give me that."

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