Chapter Seven: Twice In One Month

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A/N: For Ziza, who kinda really wanted this and I'm like why the hell not it's sort of another filler. Hope you're happy, Ziza.

Tuesday- The Venture launch

Looking up from her desk at the sound of the engines rumble, Lena witnessed the launch. Yes, she could've gone on and attended, but decided against it since the almost L-Corp needed its CEO.

Speaking of space, when the ship reached low orbit insertion, one of the engines exploded. Lena's head shot back up at the sound and looked at the screen. She saw it falling down at high speeds, back to earth. She didn't know what was going to happen.

Little did she know one Super was there already.

Supergirl pushed back against the nose of the plane as she tried to stop it. "Need a hand?" She turned to her right and saw the other Super.


"Looks like you need some help." Supergirl nodded at him before Superman flew to the back of the plane to put out the ablaze engine out with his icy cold breath. After straining for a while, they managed to slow the shuttle down enough to land it as gently as they could in the field.

Kara smiled as her cousin came floating back down to her. "That was great," she said with a little giggle before she got a call on her comms. 

"Kar, we need you to come back to the DEO. Bring Kal with you, too."

"We've gotta go," she says to her cousin.

"Superman," J'onn said with a nod.

"J'onn," he greets back with a nod. Alex, Kara, and Winn eyed each other, as they all sensed the tension in the room.

"What do we do first?" Kara asked, getting to the topic at hand and to break the stress.

J'onn leads them all back to the mainframe, everyone circling around the giant table in the center. "Agent Schott, pull up the analytics and reports of we have about the Venture."

"Sir, yes, sir," Winn says, tapping at his tablet quickly. He pulls up the statistics and everything else important or relevant about the flight. "So everyone was okay from the flight. Nothing else  from it."

"Keep looking, Schott," J'onn orders. "In the meantime, you Supers have some work to do," he says, looking at the caped heroes.

Superman turns to his cousin. "Want me to come with?"


"Mr. Kent, Ms. Danvers," Lena greeted as she walked past and led them into her office. "Am I as infamous as I thought? Twice in less than a month. I'm surprised."

Clark resisted rolling his eyes at the powerful woman while Kara resisted smirking and hissing a laugh. "We need to talk to you about-"

"The Venture," Lena interrupted as she sat down at her desk, looking down at her work. "I know. There's a perfectly good answer to why I did not attend."

"So why didn't you?"

"Don't beat around the bush, Kansas. We all know I'm a very busy woman. I still have to prepare for my ceremony tomorrow." Lena looked up from her paperwork, making small movements and gestures with her hands as she talked. "Just ask what you need to ask: Did I or did I not have anything to do with the Venture explosion?"

"And did you?"

"You wouldn't be asking me if my last name was Appleseed."

"Ah, but it's not. It's Luthor."

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