Chapter Three: Girls Night: Version 2.0

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A/N: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE FOUND/TONIGHT MUSIC OR LYRICS. Bold is Kara, italic is Sam, underlined is both. And stupid Wattpad with the text. So ignore it if it looks weird. And this chapter should be... interesting...

After napping together and getting plentiful amounts of pizza, potstickers, and ice cream, Alex shortly arrived in the early evening.

"Hey, Kar. What's going on?" Alex asks, closing the door.

"I have a surprise."

"You're terrible at hiding secrets."

"That isn't true."

"Mmhm," Alex hums in faux belief, crossing her arms. "So I'm going to pretend not to know what the surprise is."

"You don't know half of it," Kara mutters.

"So what's the first half, then?"

"Wellll." Kara turns to her left and out comes Lena from her room with a sheepish smile.

"Hey, Alex. Long time no see," Lena says, giving her a small wave.

"Lena Luthor." Alex grins, unfolding her arms and putting her hands in her pockets. "Well, I'll be damned. It's been years. How are you?"

"I'm pretty good, not gonna lie. You?"

"I'm doing alright." Alex turns back to her sister. "So what's the second half?"

"You'll see right about-" she gets interrupted by knocking on the door. 

"Now. Alex, go with Kara in her room. You'll know when to come out. Just trust me," Lena says as she ushers them both into Kara's room. "And keep quiet."

"At least she didn't ask for us to go back in the closet," Alex muttered, walking away with Kara to go into her room.

Lena walks to the door and opens it to see Sam with a wine bag in her hand that contains multiple varieties of red wine. "Hey, Lena."

"Hey, come on in." She steps aside to let Sam in and closes the door behind her.

The CFO whistles at the spacious loft. "Did you rent a studio apartment on the other side of town to avoid all the paparazzi or something?" Sam questions, taking her shoes off while observing the loft. "Without telling me?"

Lena chuckles. "Actually," she says, taking the wine bag from her and putting it on the counter before turning around and leaning on it, looking at her. "It's not mine."

Sam gives her a confused look. "Then who's apartment is it?"

"A friend of ours." Lena gestures as Kara comes out from her room.

"Oh. My. God. No way. Kara!?" Sam exclaims, putting her hand over her mouth from shock.

Kara smiles. "Hey, Sam!"

"Holy shit, it's been ages. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Sam gives her a hug, rocking her back and forth.

"I know. Way too long."

"Wait," Sam says, pulling away. "Is this what I think it is?"

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't," Lena says with a grin.

"But," Kara says, grinning more. "Two Danvers' are always better than one."

Alex walks out of her room and smiles brightly. "Sam! I'm surprised Kara kept her mouth shut."

"Hey!" Everyone snickers at the youngest sister's outburst as Sam hugs the eldest sister.

"So, this is exactly what I think it is, right?" Sam asks again.

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