Chapter Eighteen: Be Honest

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"I'll admit," Lillian says, "I did expect you all to bring a little more back up. Then again, you all were suspended."

"I am going to kill you," Alex growled, trying to go forward to the screen but getting held back by the arm from Maggie.

"Do as you may, try as you might, there is no killing that's happening tonight," she said, looking at her nails and flicking her eyes back up. "Unless it's me killing all of you."

"Suspended from what?" Lena asked.

"Oh, this is going to be fun," the mother chuckles.

"Later, Lena," Maggie dismisses.

The detective's ex noticed her hold and pulled her arm out of her hold harshly, growling at the screen, "What do you want, Lillian?"

"Easy. My daughter, away from your precious, little blonde, or she's dead. Simple as that."

"Good luck with that," Lena almost snorted.

"Well, then she dies. Along with you all in it." Lillian raises a remote, waving it around. "You all have thirty minutes to decide what you're going to do. Use them wisely." The screen goes back to black right before Alex was going to punch it.

"First thing's first." Kate scans the room in her x-ray vision from her mask in a three-sixty swoop, finding what she needs. "Bingo." She takes out seven bat-a-rangs, flicking them all in different, random directions in the room; into three into corners, one in the ceiling, one in the couch arm, one next to the fireplace, and the last into a lamp.

"So you just decide to throw your knives all around my house?" Lena says, observing the knives that penetrated a multitude of different items in the room.

"They were cameras."

"Oh, God, who knows how long those were there," the Luthor mutters, going deep into thought, not paying attention to anything else.

"I don't even want to think about it," Kara mutters after her, her eyes fluttering.

"Nuh uh." Alex snaps a finger in her ear, getting her to jerk up in her chair. "You gotta stay with us."

"Winn's comms are down," Sam says after she double checked with a press to her comms and only hearing static. "We're on our own."

"Lena, you know this house better than we do," Kate says, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Is there any way we could disable the electro bomb without hurting ourselves and Kara more?"

"And how to find Lillian, too," Maggie said. "She's gotta be in range to broadcast to us and have the control."

"Even though water does disable tech, it might make a spark and hurt her," Lena says, putting a knuckle over her mouth as she thought, looking at nothing in particular. 

"Kara, do you know if there's a little hub?" Kate asked. "A little control center or something?"

"Look behind one of the legs," she said, carefully nodded her head behind her. Kate, Alex, and Maggie all looked, crouching behind the chair.

"There's one, alright." Kate reached out to take it in her hand and flip it open in the back, a mess of wires showing with a small counter of 28:38 and going down by the second. "And that's a lot of wires," she mutters, pulling back when she gets a small shock.

"Think we can disable it?" the superior agent asked.

"I know we can." The Bat slid a knife out of her right sleeve, twirling it in her hand. "Might take a bit, though."

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