Chapter Twenty-Two: A Super Christmas

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this is a long-ass chapter so y'all welcome don't say i didn't feed you well lol

It was two days before Christmas and it was safe to say that the Superfamily did not have anything ready. 

The family being, well, Super, gave them a lot of work and always no workaround, so they managed. With them knowing what they were going to deal with, they probably got each other gifts two months before the actual holiday and go food shopping two days before Christmas. A couple different trips had to be made, but they'll manage.

"Kara, go with Sam to do your half of the list. Lena, Rubes and I will do our part," Alex says, ripping the list in half and giving it to her sister. "We'll regroup back here after we're all done." She smiles when Sam kisses her, shoving her lightly with the same grin. "Go, Junior."

"You got it. See you guys later!" Kara takes the kiss on the cheek from Lena, grabs a cart and she and Sam go into the store.

Ruby gets the cart and goes in with Alex and Lena behind her. "What's first, Alex?"

"We need cheeses and deli meat for the apps. You go get the meats while Lena and I get the cheeses."

"On it." She rolls away with the cart, onto the section, leaving the two behind as they catch up.

Alex sighs and scratches at her hair that's under her beanie. "This is gonna be one hell of a Christmas."

"I think so, too. In a good way, of course." Lena furrows her brow as she glanced her way and then it goes away when she smiles. "You need a haircut if you're going to be director."

"Lena," she groaned.

"No ifs, ands, or buts, it's my present to you," Lena says, putting it to bed as she gets a block of white cheddar cheese.

"So what's your gift to Kara?" Alex casually asks, scoping out more cheese with her.


"You heard me damn well, Luthor."

Lena sighs as she picks up some parmesan and places it on top of the block she has. "I'm not sure. I might have one of my paintings somewhere. Either that or make one."

Alex nods as she picks up a mozzarella log. "She always loved your art. Especially—" She stopped in the realization of what she was going to say next, a small reminiscent straight line on her face.

"What art?" Ruby asked, popping in out of nowhere, back with the cart.

Alex knew with the kid, she had no choice. She looked over at Lena and saw her with a curiously raised eyebrow and sighed. "The one of her under a tree playing her guitar."

As Lena's memories came back to her, a small bittersweet smile appeared on her face. "That one was... originally an anniversary present."

"It still got to her. And it's somewhere in her room."

"Guess I'll have to check next time." Lena looked down at the girl and hugged her around her shoulders. "How did you get here so quietly?"

"Alex may have been teaching me how to sneak around," Ruby admits with a rub to her neck.

The brunette grins evilly. "You two are a dangerous team."

They both look at each other, grinning and Ruby shrugs. "Yeah, we are."

"We really are," Alex echoes. "And I've been teaching her how to fight."

"Don't let Sam hear that," Lena teases as they go off further into the store.

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