Chapter Four: Hungover Happiness &... Spaceships?

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A/N: This has to be one of my favorite chapters that I've written so far, but Chapters 10, 11, and 12 will definitely be the top three. You're gonna have to wait and see why ;)

Lena woke up with a splitting headache. The sunlight from the window made it even worse. She squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to sit up, but flumped back into the pillows with a groan. She covered her eyes with a pillow as she tried to find Kara with her hand, but found the bed to be empty.

She automatically sat up, despite all the pain. "Kara?" she yelled out, creating more pain for herself.

Kara came in the room immediately. "Hey hey hey, lie down. Take it easy, tiger."

Lena groans again as she flumps back down, eyes shut again. "What time is it?"


"Jesus, stop yelling, Kar," Lena hisses at the pain, throwing another pillow over her head.

"You were the one yelling just now. And I'm only whispering. You're dangerously hungover."

Lena groans. "You could say that again."

"I'll be right back."

Lena waited patiently, but she soon felt sick to her stomach. She got up and ran to the bathroom, letting everything out in time. She heard Kara's feet pad against the floor as she came in and held her long, raven dark hair back as she was next to her on the floor. Kara grabbed her some toilet paper to clean off her mouth when she was done.

"Like I said: dangerously hungover," she repeated with a small smile.

Lena leans against the bathroom wall as Kara hands her the orange juice and pills she set down on the counter earlier and sits next to her. She takes the pills before asking, "How drunk was I last night?"

Kara lets out a breathy chuckle and smiles as she pulls her knees up and hugs them to her chest. "You recalled past memories of us." 

Lena chokes on her juice. "Oh, God."

"Relax, they were good ones. The one for the first soccer game, Barbara having quite obvious feelings for you, and to use your words, you said it was 'one hell of a night.'"

"I hate drunk me," she mutters in her glass.

"You also asked me if I thought we would ever see each other again."

Lena looks over to her and tilts her head. In a whisper, she asked, "And did you?"

Kara nodded. "I said good things don't go away forever. Then you said I was an amazing thing."

She smiled. "Yeah, you are."

The blonde blushed and smiled as well. "Do you remember anything else?"

Lena's eyes widen in thought. She automatically remembered trying to smoothly ask Kara out on a date. She kicked herself inside. "Was there anything else?"

"You didn't answer my question, Ms. Luthor."

She points to her. "Go get your job as a damn reporter instead of a junior. That's where you belong. Anyways, did I-" Lena's head tilts back and furrows her brow in thought "-say something about dates?"

Kara looks down and blushes. "You tried to smoothly ask me out on a date while you were drunk."

Lena smiles at how easily she could make her blush. "Yeah, I recall that." She took another sip before saying, "Can we actually do that? I mean, we'd have to find some way around the press and paparazzi to avoid getting in tabloids. And of course, my m-" Her smile gets bigger as Kara puts a finger up to her lip. 

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