Chapter Nine: Gala Night

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A/N: This is based on episode 2x05. 

"Sam, what the hell?" Kate yelled.

"Kate, calm down-"

"Calm down?" Kate asked, flailing her arms in the air.

"Okay, Kate, seriously, calm down," Lena agreed with Sam. She looked over to the other side of the office and saw Maggie just leaning against the wall, arms folded. "Can you come get your girlfriend?"

Maggie just shrugged. "This needs popcorn, not me interfering."

Kate had an angry, furrowed brow at her sister. "You were undercover at an alien fightclub with friggin' guns."

"Says the grown woman who runs around in a bat suit," Sam mutters, raising a challenging eyebrow as she crossed her arms casually, not as if she were a four-year-old who didn't get the candy she wanted.

"How long have you been doing this?" Kate asked, ignoring her and interrogating her instead.

She shrugged. "Second undercover mission?"

"Let me guess," Maggie says. "FBI?" She sends her a narrow of her eyes, letting her know what she means.

Sam nodded. "Yeah."

"Dear, God," Kate groaned, her voice muffled under her hand that was over her face. "Why?"

"It was a good offer," Sam defends. "And I'm getting trained at every chance I've got so I'm prepared."

"Dammit, that's what you have me for."

"Kate, I know. Don't think I forgot what you taught me."

Kate just groans and throws her arms up in the air and lets them fall back down to her sides with slaps. "I give up. Fine. Do your operation but if you die, I'm bringing you back to life to kill you myself."

Sam grinned with a salute. "Aye aye, captain."

Lena shook her head. "Well, now that you're done-"

Kate snorts. "As if."

"I have a meeting and I need you out."

"That's a nice way of saying 'get the hell out of my office,'" Maggie says. "See you later!" She practically pulls Sam out of there and once the office doors shut, she pushes her against the wall and is in her face. "Why the hell didn't you tell me- no, scratch that- us that you're working with Alex?" she hissed.

"Never said I was working with her," Sam clarified. She inhaled a sharp intake of breath as Maggie tightened her grip across her chest.

"I want answers and I want them now, Samantha."

"What makes you think I'm talking?"

"I've been taught painful ways to make you talk with my index finger," Maggie says, raising a threatening finger.

"Let me guess, you're going to try and make me orgasm with it." She tightened her grip more as Kate snorted, getting a small grunt from Sam.

"Oh, God," Kate chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand to suppress further laughter.

"Samantha fucking Arias, if you don't tell me what branch of the FBI you're working for I'm going to let Alex know every damn embarrassing secret I have of you," the cop threatens.

"Do your worst." Maggie leaned up to her ear with a smirk and whispered into it. After 8 seconds, Sam's face fell into a quick scowl as she leaned back away to see her reaction. "No."

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