Chapter Twenty-Six: A Trap and a Truce

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Alex and Ruby go down to the stockpile, where all the former weapons or dangerous threats to the human and alien world were. Alex held a flashlight under her alien gun, leading the kid down the dark hallway, eventually getting to the room. "Look around and see if anything's missing."

Ruby nods and grabs a step stool to look at the higher shelves to all the other relics. Her eyes scan the shelves but are drawn to an empty stand where only an empty mannikin was there. "Alex?"


"Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't your old kryptonite suit be in here? The one Kara told me about at Christmas?"

"Oh, fuck!" Alex ran over to the stand and groaned at its emptiness. "That sonuvabitch Olsen. I swear, I will pay you back for that, but we gotta get back." The two raced back, running together, both at high speeds before skidding across the floor to a stop, grabbing her agents' attention. "He took my kryptonite suit from last year."

"And I'm willing to bet it's for the Daxamites or James," Maggie murmurs.

"We need to find him. Now."

"Good news, there's a radiation of kryptonite around the DEO right now from all sides," Winn informs, pulling up a diagram on the screens. 

"How is that good news, exactly?" Kate asks with a small tilt of her head. 

"It's not, actually. The question is where is James."

"The higher the radiation, that's where he'll be, keep an eye out for that," Alex commands. "Dinah, on me. Ruby, upstairs with the Lance's. Sara, if anything happens to her—"

"Yes, Alex, we'll be dead," White Canary said, rolling her eyes. "The fourth time for me."

Ruby hopped over the railing and ran up the stairs as she unsheathed her knives and twirled them in her hands. Sara pursed her lips together and nodded at her sister. "Almost like a mini-me or Alex."

"Combination," Laurel replied.

"Overwatch, behind you!" At Sam's warning, Maggie ducks and shoots to hit a cyborg square in his chest, which does nothing until Flash threw a lightning bolt at him, making his parts go flying everywhere. The DEO was soon flanked with cyborgs and Daxamites coming in from all angles about to fire and attack.

"Agents, concentrate on the Daxamites and open fire!" Each agent follows Alex's orders and rapidly shoot at what they think are Daxamites. Some fall to the ground with screams and cries of agony, others don't, which indicate they were cyborgs.

Kara spread out her body so she was in a loose position to slow her fall a little more as she watched the city from above. The city was dark and quiet. L-Corp and CatCo mirrored each other from opposite ends of the city, both lit up at their signs and multiple levels of the buildings, as well as more complexes below her.

She smiled, knowing that this was her city. And she had a chance to save it again.


If she didn't die.

And she knew she wouldn't.

But if she did that would be most unfortunate.

As she got closer and closer to tall skyscrapers of the city in between her two buildings of work, she closed her eyes and mumbled a Kryptonian prayer, keeping her thoughts on her family and Lena. Knowing that things wouldn't get easier no matter how far into their lives they were.

"Where's the kryptosuit, Winn?" Maggie asked as she shot at the Daxamites and their chaos at the DEO.

"Rhea took it but I can program it back to Kara."

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