Chapter Thirteen: Blast From The Past

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A very Star Wars type drone flew in the air and around a training room of the DEO as cardboard cutouts of civilians popped up around the room. Supergirl looks over at the Daxamite, who was in his training outfit. "Ready?"

Mon-El nods as she glances at Kara out the corner of his eye. "You?"


"Wow," Mon-El said, looking at a Hank Henshaw pop up. "You still nailed J'onn's disapproving non-smile."

Kara chuckles soft and shortly before a buzzer rings, signaling the start of the simulation. The two ran out, jumping and flipping over the blocks of concrete, rushing to deflect the lasers from the drone. Mon-El sped over in front a cut out of a little girl, blocking the laser his wrist while Kara deflected another with her forearm. They went back and forth between multiple cut outs like that until Mon-El turned in the air and kicked it back for it to land against the wall and crumple as he landed back on his feet.

Kara raised her eyebrows in surprise. "End simulation," she called out, making sure no other drones flew out. 

Mon-El grinned at his work, all around the room, seeing no casualties to the cardboard as he jumped over a block. "Nailed it."

"Wow. That was impressive. You've advanced quickly." She holds her hands up for Mon-El to punch at, nodding at him to do it. He hums in agreeance as he throws punches and jabs at her hands. "I mean, you're dedicated. You punch really hard," she comments with a chuckle as he punches at her hand harder. "Ow."

"Sorry," he says, yet lightly apologetic. "But not as hard as you. Yet."


Mon-El shortly chuckles. "Whatever you say."

"What's our number one rule as heroes, then?"

"Protect the people."

"Yes. Are we clear on the whole protect-citizens-above-all-else thing?"

"Yes," Mon-El said with a final jab to her hand. "Crystal clear."

"Good. I have to go. Early mornings"

"See you later." With that, Supergirl flew out, off and away to CatCo.

Alex comes out of the bathroom, seeing her apartment riddled with sunlight and Sam at the island in the middle of the kitchen, pouring coffee. "You're wearing my shirt," she comments.

"Yeah, well, my shirt from last night is somewhere in this apartment and not fit for mornings after," Sam said as she flicks her eyes up at her and back down to the mugs. "Is this okay, though?"

"That's wonderful," Alex said, walking slowly towards her. "I mean, you're here, it's morning and you slept with me, and you're wearing my t-shirt and making coffee and you're now my girlfriend and I can't believe this is happening and everything coming out of my mouth is very cheesy," she rambled, now leaning against the counter and towards the tall brunette, who was leaning towards her, too.

Sam grinned as she muttered, "It's called being happy, get back in the game." She kept grinning as she pressed her lips to Alex's.

"I am getting used to it again," Alex said, nodding.

Sam looks back at the clock, seeing it strike nine. "Crap, we're late for work."

"I don't care if we don't go," Alex admits as she walks back to the middle of the apartment, making Sam follow her as she breathed a chuckle. "I mean, can't we just quit? And stay in this apartment? Forever?"

"I've got a very busy company to run with my best friend, so I don't know about forever, but maybe the morning?"

"We could call in sick," Alex suggested, putting her hands out and Sam raised her eyebrows.

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