Chapter Twenty-Four: Torture

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Alex closed the conference room door, sighing as she looked at Sam, Maggie, Kate, and Winn. "We have a mole."

Winn's brows went up. "That's impossible, everyone signed a liability contract, like yellow dog contracts from back in the Gilded Age, and tons of NDAs from HR."

"Things change, Winn. How else would Lillian be able to escape with Mon-El yesterday? Or before?"

"So what the hell do we do?" Maggie asks, crossing her arms as she leans back against the table, shrugging. "Just wait till they declare themselves the traitor?"

"No, we can't be that out in the open." Alex takes her DEO phone and types on it, showing a creature that definitely looks out of this world to the four with all of its tentacle glory.

"Well, that looks pleasant," Kate murmurs. "What is it?"

"Think of it as a lie detector," she explains. "Except the more you lie, the tighter it squeezes onto you and sucks the truth out of you. Literally."

"Wait, we have that," Winn stutters, pointing at the screen. "At the desert location."

"And I put in an order to have it here as soon as possible, so within the next two days or so. For now, we stay vigilant and only trust the Super Friends, am I understood?" 

They all look at each other in silent agreement, dead serious glances. "In that case, burner phones are a possibility?" Kate asks

"I'll look into it. For now, stay on your toes."

"Wait, you're... leaving?"

"Long vacation, to be precise," the elder woman clarifies to her protege, sitting down on a couch and gesturing for the two to sit across from her. "I just... need a change, you know? Want to clear my head and take a bit of a break from all of what National City is."

"Well, this is a way to start off the new year." With realization, Kara looks over at the brunette, who was fidgeting with her fingers. "Is this the meeting you were telling me about yesterday?"

Lena looked up with a bashful expression and smile. "Surprise?"

"But.. what about L-Corp, the DEO?"

"Of course I'm still going to be there, at both of the places, but Ms. Grant was already slightly thinking of this a little bit before Christmas."

"Lena, you didn't have to do this."

"Yes, but I wanted to," the businesswoman said, placing her hand on her partner's knee, the blonde's hand instinctively going on top of it, both of them getting entranced by each other. "I know how much this means to you and how hard you've worked to be here."

"God, you two are absolutely revolting," Cat scoffs with distaste, making the couple jump a bit at her voice as she got up to fetch herself a drink. "Oh, that reminds me." She smirks as she leans against the bar with her glass in hand. "I fired Snapper."

Blue eyes went wide behind her frames. "You did what now?"

"Not someone who should be in charge here," she admits with a shrug, keeping eye contact with the young one to make sure she understood what she was saying.

Once the message hit the girl, Kara's brow furrowed as she stood up to face her better. "Ms. Grant, with all due respect, I just don't think I'm fit for Editor in Chief. I mean, you've seen my articles—"

"They've improved with every step and action you take not just by being a Danvers, but being a Super."

Lena's famous eyebrow went up in question. "Since when does she know?"

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