Chapter Sixteen: In the Dark

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When Jess walked into Lena's office, she tilted her head. "Well, this is a sight for sore eyes."

Lena was wrapped in a Supergirl blanket, the red House of El crest against blue. Coffee and her favorite pastries were sitting on the coffee table where Supergirl was crouched down and placing it there but looked up at her voice.

"Ms. Luthor had a.. rough night," she said, standing back up at full height.

"And I'm guessing you know her on a personal scale to know how she takes her coffee and her favorite blueberry and morning glory muffins," Jess observes.

The hero scratched the base of her neck. "Kara Danvers told me."

Jess nods. "Blue Eyes," she mutters, getting a head tilt in confusion from the blonde. "It's a.. thing that Ms. Luthor told me to do. Referring to Ms. Danvers as Blue Eyes in case something happens. She never told me why."

The Kryptonian nodded. "Yeah, she's protective, alright," she murmurs, looking down at the sleeping brunette. "I called in Detective Sawyer to take her home in a few, she shouldn't be working today." She started to walk to the balcony but turned back when she had a hand on the door. "There's a couple of scones in there if you want them." With that, she flew off.

Everyone was... sort of troubled over their suspension. Kara was concerned about Lena, but they still couldn't see each other, and took precautions even further and didn't even speak to each other. It was agonizing for both of them.

Maggie and Kate were fine, actually. A couple weeks earlier, Kate took a week off to celebrate Hanukka with her girlfriend, and the city was somewhat peaceful during that time. Afterward, they got ass and kicking names, they took over the city, Supergirl helping here and there with crimes, just not alien-centric through those three days of suspension.

Batwoman looks up from her crouched position on a random roof to where Supergirl flew off high above the clouds in the night sky. "Ever wonder what the city would be like without any of us?" she questions the woman behind her.

Maggie shakes her head, looking up to the stars to where she disappeared. "Can't imagine a world like it."

Alex needed more days to heal, so she stayed at Sam's even after the three days of suspension were up. Every day, reluctantly, Sam would leave to go to work. And every time she checked on Lena to see how she felt, Lena would send her off early to pick up Ruby and go take care of Alex.

Winn was, well, Winn. He was fine, just mopey throughout his suspension, but happy as a rabbit in a carrot field when he got back. He was still a little sad when Alex wasn't back after the days, but definitely brighter with Kara.

It was about one week and a half, almost two whole ones later from the incident at the mall. It was the start of Ruby's winter break, so she had half a week before Christmas through until after New Years, so Sam was home, working a bit on her tablet.

Alex stirred in bed, groaning at the light through her eyes and turned over to try and shield the brightness, curling up in a ball under the sheets. She mumbled something incoherent when she felt Sam's arm over around her shoulders to bring her closer.

"Ssh," Sam shushes, kissing her forehead. "Go back to sleep."

"I smell pancakes," Alex mumbles, yet trying to bury herself deeper in the covers and closer to Sam.

"Ruby was hungry and you were out like a light," she explained softly. "Made some for you later."

"You're 'mazing," the agent yawns, slowly going back to sleep. Sam strokes her hair, observing her peaceful state until Ruby comes in.

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