Rosé - Broken

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„So who's going to stand up and make another bowl of popcorn?" Jisoo asked and we all just looked at each other.

„ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!" We screamed together and as we all expected Lisa lost making us all laugh.

„It's alway me who has to stand up!" She said pouting and stood up.

As she went into the kitchen we just kept looking through Netflix to see what movie we should watch next. Today was one of these days where we wouldn't do anything, we literally spent the last 6 hours just watching movies and it was 10 pm already.

„Oh look! A horror movie, let's watch that!" Jennie said, clapping into her hands like a small kid.

Rosé just shook her head immediately making me smile because of her cuteness.

„No, no, no, no! I won't be able to sleep and I will probably start crying! I don't want to watch a horror movie!" She said with her cute voice trying to convince the other girls.

Lisa came back to the couch with a bowl of fresh popped popcorn and sat down between Jisoo and Jennie.

„Come on Rosé, we never watch horror movies, let's just do it once. Pleeaase!" Lisa said pouting.

Rosé just sighed, knowing that she will regret her answer later on.

„Alright alright, let's watch a horror movie."

The other three girls just squealed because of happiness but I knew they would probably be so scared that they won't be able to sleep tonight. They started the movie and I just looked to Rosé next to me on my right side. I knew how easy it is to scare her and she would cry immediately, I had to smile because of these thoughts. She would probably clinch onto my arm the whole movie long and I couldn't stop myself from getting happy. I know I shouldn't take advantage out of somebody getting scared but I just couldn't resist, I've had a crush on Rosé since the girls allowed me to live in their dorm.

~ 20 minutes later ~

The movie started to get really scary, I could sense that a jumpscare is going to appear any moment and I felt Rosé's hand grabbing my Tshirt at my chest. I could feel her hands shaking and had to look into her eyes that were already covered in tears.

„AHHHH!" All of them screamed because of the Jumpscare but Rosé screamed the loudest hiding her face into my shoulder while hugging my waist.

I felt her tears on my shoulder wetting my shirt, I couldn't stand her looking like this and put the hair covering her face back to her ear.

„Rosé, do you want to go to your room? You shouldn't watch this if you don't want to." I whispered to her ear and she just nodded into my shoulder.

I stood up and she did the same holding my hand. Everytime she touches me my heart would just beat 50% faster, girl what are you doing to me...

We walked to her room and I opened the door for her so she could enter. We both got inside and she laid down onto her bed with tears running down her cheeks. I sat onto the chair next to her bed and cupped her face wiping away the tears rolling down her face.

„Get some sleep Rosé, try not to think about the movie and sleep well." I said trying to stand up but she just grabbed my wrist stopping me from walking away.

„Don't go.... C-could you sleep here with me?" She asked blushing furiously.

My heart just skipped a beat because of her words, it would be my first time sleeping in a bed with a girl and out of all these girls on this world it had to be the girl I had a crush on for 3 years now.

She moved to the side a little bit and patted the free space next to her. She lifted up her blanket and I laid down next to her, as soon as I was laying down comfortably she sneaked her hands around my waist pulling me closer to her, tangling her legs between mine. She gave me a last kiss on the cheeks before putting her head onto my chest. My heart beating way too fast, I don't think thats healthy anymore.

I ran my hand through her hair and had to smile, this was such a beautiful moment. It didn't take long and she fell asleep, I was just staring at her for a while when falling asleep myself afterwards.

~ Next day ~

I felt somebody on top of me shaking me gently. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Rosé sitting on top of me.

„Wakey~ Wakey~" She said with her aegyo voice making me smile.

„Just five more minutes Rosé." I said and closed my eyes again.


She took a pillow and hit my head with it playfully causing me to chuckle.

„Rosé, do you want to get into trouble?" I said smirking, earning myself another hit with the pillow.

I just sat up and placed her off me gently, picking up my own pillow, I was sleeping on the whole night and hit her once with it. Laughter filled the room as we both kept hitting each other with the pillows until we heard somebody knocking onto the door.

The door opened and three sleepy girls walked into the room.

„What the hell are you guys doing? It's 7 am, people are trying to sleep!" Jennie said rubbing her left eye and yawning.

„We started a pillow fight!" Rosé said in a loud voice while throwing the pillow into Jennie's face.

I could see Jennie getting angry.

„YOU'RE DEAD CHAEYOUNG!" She screamed and attacked her with the pillow not letting her breathe.

Lisa, Jisoo and I just kept laughing at the two of them. Jennie finally stopped after Rosé was begging for her life and we all just walked to the dining table so we could eat breakfast but it didn't take a long time until Rosé stood up.

„Oh my god, I almost forgot. I have to go now, no time to explain! See you soon guys!" She said and sprinted into her room.

20 minutes later she got outside completely styled up and walked out of the dorm. I just looked to the other girls with a questioning face but they just shrugged and kept eating their food.

As hours passed we were still wondering where Rosé was and decided to search for her because she wouldn't pick up the phone calls. We all got dressed up and walked outside, we searched everywhere.... In her favorite restaurant, in the karaoke bar, at the ice cream truck but we just couldn't find her.

The last place we searched for her was the park, we walked into it and saw Rosé sitting on a bench with somebody. We walked closer to her and she immediately smiled when she saw us. Rosé and that guy next to her stood up facing us and both looked so happy.

„Hello guys! This is somebody I want to introduce to you." She started and clapped into her hands. I could see her eyes sparkling. „This is my boyfriend Donghyuk, we started dating since yesterday!"

The both of them kissed, earning themselves claps and congratulations but I was just standing in front of them watching them kiss as my whole word broke down.

I could feel my heart falling apart, feeling hate and disappointment. The feelings I felt in the morning were gone, my breathing becoming slower and slower. I felt dizzy and couldn't hold my balance anymore. I fell onto the ground with my head hitting the floor really hard, I could feel myself blacking out.

'Why Donghyuk... I thought you are my best friend.... Why would you do something like this, you knew I love her.'

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