Jennie - Regrets I

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„CHEERS!" Everyone around the table screamed and chugged down a shot of soju.

It was one of these nights where all of our friends would gather together at a restaurant and just drink until everybody was drunk. My girlfriend Jennie sitting across from me and she was the only one who was sober, she felt like she has to watch over me. I didn't really care because I was just trying to have fun. I opened a can of beer and chugged it down until nothing was in it anymore. I earned myself a death stare by Jennie and I had to laugh.

„Come on babygirl, don't look at me like that! Let's enjoy this night together!" I said in a loud voice and everybody around the table looked at us two.

I laid my right hand on hers but she just pulled it away.

„I have to go to the toilet." Jennie said taking her bag and standing up going away from us.

I just looked at my hand that was laying on the table, realizing what happened. It was probably the alcohol that made me this angry but I couldn't control myself. I ran after her and stopped her before she could enter the toilet. I pulled her out of the restaurant and turned her around to face me directly. She just pulled her arm out of my grip giving me an annoying look.

„What was that right now?!" I shout-whispered at her.

„What do you mean about this?! WHAT THAT WAS?! It is my last day in this country, I'm going to move to Korea because my father got a job there and we won't see each other for the next few years BUT INSTEAD OF ENJOYING THE LAST DAY WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND YOU JUST WANT TO FUCKING DRINK WITH YOUR FRIENDS?!" She screamed at me.


„Oh come on Jennie, don't fucking do this.... you are such a boring person, fuck off if you don't want to have fun on your last day here."

Yep... this was totally the alcohol talking out of me. Her eyes widened because of my words and she scrunched her nose because of the anger building up in her body.

„OH YEAH?! BORING PERSON?! I'M YOUR FUCKING GIRLFRIEND! You should enjoy your last day with me instead of some friends! Oh my god Y/N you're such an asshole, I really hope you're acting like this because you are drunk...."

„I'm not drunk bitch..." I lied „You're just fucking possessive, you're literally the worst girlfriend on this planet. Always fucking complaining when I drink, always destroying the happy mood with my friends.... I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE."

„You know what?! Just fuck off, go and date your fucking friends." She said and walked away.


Her body shaking as she turned around. Some tears rolling down her cheeks because I mentioned the suicide of her mother that was just 10 months ago. She walked towards me in a fast way and immediately slapped me when she was close enough to reach me. I hissed because of the pain but I deserved it, I shouldn't have said that.

„Give me your phone." She said in a cold way. „I SAID GIVE ME YOUR GOD DAMN PHONE."

She put her hand in my pocket and pulled out my phone. She swiped on the touchscreen, unlocking it and kept doing whatever she wanted to do. Her tears falling onto the screen and some sobs escaping her mouth. She handed me over the phone after some time and ran away leaving me completely alone outside the restaurant.

Anger rushing through my body as I walked back into the restaurant to the table where my friends were sitting.

„Y/N, what happened? Your cheek is red." Jungkook asked but I just waved my arm.

„Nothing serious, I'LL PAY THE NEXT ROUND OF SHOTS!" I screamed and everybody cheered for me.

~ The next day ~

I woke up groaning because my headache was so bad, I wanted to cut off my head. I took my time to recover a little bit and sat up afterwards. I tried to remember what happened yesterday.

'We started drinking alcohol and Jennie just glared at me the whole time but I didn't care.......'

I couldn't remember anything anymore except one sentence.


I suddenly felt tears appearing on my face, I didn't remember anything but I just feel that something bad happened between Jennie and me. I looked onto the watch again and panicked.


I rushed outside Jungkook's flat and ran over to my car. As I sat into the car I pulled out my phone and tapped onto my contacts searching for Jennie's number but I just couldn't find it. What the hell?! WHERE THE FUCK IS HER NUMBER?

Fuck, no time to think about that now.

I started the engine and started driving to the airport not caring about the traffic lights turning red. I just kept driving way too fast and didn't stop when I heard sirens behind me. The police was chasing me but I just kept driving even faster.

I finally arrived at the airport and parked in front of the entrance of it. I rushed to the information lady and slammed both of my fists on the desk.

„WHEN DOES THE FLIGHT TO KOREA START?" I screamed at her making her flinch.

„In the next 5 minutes."

No way....

I had no time because the police was behind me. I looked back and cursed. I started running towards the ticket control guy and just jumped over the fence that should stop people without tickets.

„HEY! YOU NEED A TICKET!" He screamed and chased me.

I just ran even faster, the tears in my eyes blurring my sight causing me to bump into other people. After some time of running I finally got out of the airport to where the planes start off. I searched for the „Korean air" plane and saw it already starting to drive. I didn't care and just ran after it. I didn't know what to do as it flew off.

„J... JENNIE! PLEASE STAY WITH ME! I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU.... PLEASE COME BACK I BEG YOU. I LOVE YOU.... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH." I screamed at the plane that was flying away. My tears covering the ground as I fell onto my knees and covered my face with my hands sobbing even more.

I just lost the most important person in my life... Just because I was so dumb last ni-


Shocking pain running through my body as the police man electroshocked me. It didn't take long and I passed away, hitting my head onto the hard ground.

'I'm never going to see her again'

A/N: I know I didn't do a Jisoo one yet but I just thought this storyline would fit Jennie more ^^ Sorry if this one is bad too, I feel like I'm never satisfied with my stories... I hope I could get you to feel sad at least a little bit haha

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