Jennie - Unknown Helper

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"5 minutes left." I whispered to myself, almost smiling because of the happiness. The school will be over and I can finally leave this simulation of hell, where every single person just hates me.

I propped my head onto my left palm when I suddenly saw somebody throwing a piece of paper onto my desk from behind. I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned around to the person who threw it.

It was a guy I didn't really know the name of. I could see him mouthing 'Somebody told me to give it to you', causing me to shrug my shoulders as I turned back to the piece of paper. I picked it up and searched for a name somewhere on it but couldn't find one so I just started unfolding it.

As soon as I saw the first word, I immediately knew who this was from and the fear instantly spread through my whole body. I could hear laughs from the back of the room, causing me to turn around and my eyes widened when I saw who was looking at me.

Hanbin was looking at me with a smirk on his face before turning away to talk to his friends, probably to talk about ways to beat me up before I could leave the building.

I gulped as I turned around and started reading the few words he wrote onto it with awful handwriting and tons of misspelled words.

"How can somebody be so dumb?" I mumbled to myself. "Hey Y/N. Don't think you can leave this building without us beating you up. Looking forward to when the teacher leaves the room ;)" I whispered the words to myself as I read it and just shook my head.

Of course.

I heard the bell ring and widened my eyes as I saw how the teacher was walking towards the exit of the classroom. I felt how my hands started shaking when every single person started leaving this room. Every single person except Hanbin and his friends.

The only thing I could hear after a while were steps behind me.

"Hey idiot." Hanbin said, making the others laugh.

I sighed as I stood up myself.

"Hey." I whispered as I could see him smile.

"Talk louder! I can't fucking hear you! Or are you too scared to talk?" He asked as he pushed me with all of his force causing me to fall back and right onto my butt.

I hissed because of the sudden pain as I saw him and his friends coming closer.

"Man, I missed this." He chuckled as he lifted his fists.

Every fucking day. Its always the same.

"Come on, hurry man, I have to catch my bus." One of these guys said as Hanbin chuckled.

I could hear him cracking his fingers causing me to widen my eyes. He stepped even closer as I could see his fist coming closer to my face causing me to close my eyes as tightly as possible.

I fucking hate that guy.

I clenched my jaw, trying to somehow prepare for the pain thats about to hit me but it took him surprisingly long causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

I slowly opened my eyes and all I could see was his fist, only millimeters away from my face, making me even more confused. I tried to move his arm out of the way but there was no way possible for me to move it.

"What?" I whispered to myself as I slowly crawled back and stood up.

I looked around the room and realized that everything had a slight blue tone, the few students left in the room were completely frozen, not even moving a little bit. I looked at Hanbin who was still in the same position, just as his friends who were still staring at the spot where I was.

"Did I stop the time?" I mumbled to myself but something making a sound suddenly snapped me back out of my thoughts.

My head snapped up to were the sound came from and I saw a girl looking at me with widened eyes.

"Crap." She cursed as she suddenly sprinted towards the door.

"Hey! Wait!" I screamed after her as she stormed out of the room and I immediately followed her.

I ran after her and I could see her turning to the left, running down the stairs, I didn't waste my time to immediately follow here. Taking almost 3 steps at the same time. I could see other students on the stairs but none of them were moving. It was kinda scary. I was just trying not to run into them.

As soon as we arrived at the first floor, she started running into a direction again and I didn't hesitate to run after her. She turned around a corner and as soon as I did as well she was gone.

I furrowed my eyebrows, scratching the back of my head. The hallway was completely empty. There was not even a room where she could have gone into.

"What the he-"

"Are you alright?" I heard a sweet voice from behind "I hope I was quick enough so he didn't punch you."

I turned around and saw that girl, standing right in front of me.

"I-I guess so..."

"You probably have quite a few questions." She chuckled as I tilted my head.

I saw how she stepped closer to me until I felt her warm breath on my skin that sent shivers down my spine. I felt my heartbeat increase its pace when she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Before I answer any of your questions, let me do this." She whispered, brushing her lips against mine before capturing them into a deep kiss.

I widened my eyes at first but after some time I closed them and started kissing back, putting my hands on her waist and pulling her closer to my body if it was even possible. I felt feelings that I haven't felt before and it made me happy. It made me feel comfortable. It calmed me down. It made me feel save.

We pulled back with our foreheads still connected, trying to catch our breath as I could feel hers brushing my cheeks.

"Do you have a question?" She asked between her breaths.

"Your name." I whispered and I could immediately see her smile, giving me a short peck on the lips.


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A/N: AyYyYyY I don't know if this was good at all. I just kinda had this idea and wanted to write it. Hope you enjoyed!

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