Rosé - I do

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I felt how my heartbeat fastened it's pace, the way how my hands shake because of how nervous I was, the way how my breathing started to get uneven and how I closed my eyes to calm myself down.

I felt a sharp pain on my back making me hiss, causing me to shortly forget about all my worries.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." My stylist apologized as he kept working on my suit so it would fit me perfectly.

I felt a little bit annoyed but I tried to calm myself down since I don't want to make him feel bad. I mean, he's the one who makes me look good, I don't want him to mess up even more.

"It's alright." I sighed as I heard the door open and close again.

I opened my eyes and looked into the big mirror right in front of me, to see that it was my best man entering the room. I had to smile when he started to whistle and check me out, looking at me from head to toe.

"Damn, it's the first time I've seen you looking good, you usually look pretty ugly." Jae said playfully as I just shook my head.

"Look who's talking." I scoffed back, making both of us laugh.

"I'm just joking man." He said between his laughs "Are you nervous?"

I breathed out deeply as all my worries came back into my mind. Of course I am nervous, it's my wedding today after all. I'm getting married to the person I appreciate and love the most, the person I created good memories together with, the person who I would take a bullet for. How could I not be nervous.

"Kinda... I just hope everything will go well." I answered, closing my eyes again to concentrate on my breathing.

"It's all good man, no need to worry. You've been planning it for ages, so I'm sure that everything will go well." Jae tried to comfort me as he walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hands off! You're ruining his suit!" My stylist scoffed at him, making Jae flinch.

"Geez, alright." He answered as I just chuckled.

"That's the problem Jae! I'm nervous because I have been planning this for ages! I had a lot of time to think about the stuff that could go wrong." I complained while he walked in front of me, slapping both of my cheeks lightly to distract me.

"Everything will be alright, stop overthinking. You don't get to experience a day like this every day, so just enjoy it." He said, looking into my eyes with a serious gaze.

"Could you please get your hands off my cheeks and walk backwards a little bit. You look like you want to kiss me." I answered as he raised his eyebrow, leaning closer to me.

I just laughed while pushing him back, he's such an idiot. Why did I even choose him as my best man.

"You're such an idiot." I laughed, making him smile.

"Hey, you know me." He laughed as the stylist got finished with my suit.

"I have finished everything, do you like it?" The stylist asked as I looked at my suit in the mirror.

It was a simple black suit combined with a white shirt and a dark red tie around my neck. My hair was styled nicely and every clothing I had on my body was fitting me perfectly, every single piece of clothing was specially made only for me, just for this one day.

"It looks awesome." I answered with a smile as excitement took over my body.

"Glad you like it." He said with a smile as I looked to Jae.

"Well, are you ready?" Jae asked, making me sigh.

There's no going back anymore.

"Let's go." I said, looking at him with a small smile tugging on the corner of my lips.

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