Jennie - Memories II

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„Pick the ice cream flavor for me!" Jennie said while jumping happily in front of the ice cream truck.

An ice cream flavor... is there something she likes the most? I hope I won't pick the wrong one.

„Two milk ice creams, please." I ordered and I could see Jennie making happy jumps next to me.

I think I got it right.

„YES! That's my favorite one." Jennie said while hugging me and giving me a short peck on the cheek.

I felt all kinds of feelings in my stomach when her lips touched my cheek. I looked at her and smiled, I must have loved her a lot. Actually I still do. I leaned forwards and captured her lips making both of us smile. The feelings are still the same even though I can't remember anything and I'm happy about that.

„Here you go." The ice cream guy said causing us to stop kissing.

I could see Jennie blushing as she was embarrassed because he saw us but I just had to chuckle.

„Thank you." I answered and took the two milk flavored ice creams.

I gave Jennie one and started licking on mine. We walked for a few seconds as I looked to Jennie who was still red and I had to smile,

„Was it that embarrassing?" I asked while chuckling and she just nodded, looking onto the floor while eating the ice cream.

I have never seen a person that cute, I would love to just hug her and never let her go. Her smile, her way of acting cute, just everything about her was perfect. How did I get so lucky to get her to be my girlfriend.

We sat onto a bench and I hung my head back, looking into the sky.

„Hey Jennie..." I asked and she stopped eating the ice cream while looking to me.

I had to smile as I saw the ice cream stains on the corner of her lips and cupped her cheeks wiping it away.

„Thank you." She mumbled cutely and I laughed a little bit.

„How exactly did we meet?" I asked making her smile.

„I once asked you for the way to a shop but instead of telling me it you just started hitting on me." She answered giggling „And when I wanted to go away from you, you suddenly started to walk backwards in front of me, telling me all the benefits of dating you."

„Benefits?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

„Yeah, you said stuff like.... You would always tell me how pretty I am and stuff like that all the time, you really made me blush so much this day so I just gave you my number so you would leave me alone but afterwards we kept texting each other and we started dating." She said with sparkling eyes and I couldn't resist anymore.

I kissed her and we both dropped the ice cream onto the ground as I put my hands on her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I could feel how happy she was as she started smiling and I had to as well.

After some minutes we pulled back.

„You are prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life." I said making her blush while looking away.

„W-Why are you saying that so suddenly?"

„Well I told you that one benefit of dating me is always telling you that you are pretty." I said chuckling and looked onto the ground where the melted ice cream was now.

„I guess we won't be able to eat that anymore." Jennie said while pouting.

„Don't worry, I'll buy you a new one later." I answered while standing up and pulled her up with me.

I started running while pulling her after me.

„Where.... are we.... going?!" Jennie asked between her breaths as it was hard for her to keep up.

I suddenly stopped in the middle of a park where lights were lighting up the area a little bit and offered her my hand as slow music started playing.

„Princess, do you wanna dance?" I asked her and saw her smile.

She took my hand and I put my other hand on her waist as she put hers on my shoulder. We slowly started to dance along the slow rhythm while staring at each other.

The height difference between us made her look so cute and the lights made her hair look like it was glowing. She really looks like a princess.

„I love you princess."

„I love you as well, babe." Jennie answered making me smile.

„So I got a new nickname?" I asked making her chuckle.

She just nodded and released her grip of my hand and shoulder. She hugged me while putting her head on my shoulder. I hugged her back and we started to move to the rhythm of the music like that.

„I really missed you so much, I was so worried all the time that you won't wake up." Jennie said and I could tell that she was about to cry.

I hugged her a little bit tighter to comfort her.

„That's in the past Jennie, no need to think about that anymore. We should think about now." I said and she looked up giving me her cute smile.

We just hugged each other without saying a word until the music stopped. It was already completely dark and we decided to go home.

On the way home we talked about everything possible.

„I'm so happy that your feelings are still the same Y/N."

„Well how could I forget my feelings to somebody like you." I answered smiling and started to cross the street.

I flinched when I suddenly saw lights right next to me.

A truck.

It was coming closer and closer as I realized that it was too late to jump to the side. I just closed my eyes waiting for the impact again. I guess life just doesn't want me to be happy. Jennie please continue to love me.

I love you Jennie and I always will.


Suddenly somebody pushed me away causing me to fall over to the side, out of the dangerous zone.

I fell onto the ground and tears formed in my eyes as I realized what happened.

Everything was in slow motion to me.

I saw Jennie standing there instead of me with a smile while looking to me. My heart suddenly skipped a beat when I saw her eyes filled with tears as she mouthed something to me.

'It's my turn now'


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