Jennie - Broken II

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I closed the door as I arrived in my own apartment, laughing at what just happened... This is a dream... I swear this isn't real.

"Jennie would never cheat on me hahaha.... I wonder when I will wake up."

I started walking to my room still chuckling, not really knowing what's real anymore. The room was filled with red and orange light because of the candles that my best friend lit up before we should arrive here. The decorated table was full of nice food as I sat onto one chair, looking to the empty one in front of me. The chair was for the girl I loved with all of my heart...

My chuckles slowly turning into sobs, my elbows on the table and my hands hiding my face that was covered by tears by now.

'I walked down the streets as I bumped into a unknown girl, all of her books fell down onto the ground and I got so embarassed. I helped her to pick up her books and when I finally looked up to look into her face I was stunned. Her cat eyes immediately caught my attention and I started to stare at her.

"Uhm... are you okay?" The girl asked and I snapped back to reality.

"Uh.. Yeah I am, I'm sorry." I apologized and gave her the books back.

"It's all good." She said chuckling and took the books.

She turned around and wanted to walk away.

"Uhm sorry!" I started and the girl turned around, her hair flipping while turning making me gasp because of how pretty she looked. "Could I get your number?"

I saw a small smile appearing on her face as she walked towards me, she grabbed something out of her bag that looked like a pen.

"Give me your hand." She said cutely and I immediately offered her my hand.

The girl grabbed it and started writing down her number on my hand. When she finished writing it down, she suddenly tiptoed and gave me a peck on my cheek.

"Call me." She whispered into my ear seductively making me shiver.

I just watched her turning around and starting to walk again.

"What's your name?" I said before it was too late and she turned around while still walking backwards.

"I'm Jennie." She said and gave me her gummy smile, turning around again.'

The thoughts of our first meeting making me cry so much, making me realize that all of this is not a dream. I slammed both of my fists onto the table causing the plates and glasses to make a loud sound.

"FUCK ALL OF THIS!" I screamed and flipped the table over completely, causing all the glasses to shatter and the food to spread onto the whole floor.

I walked into the living room and my anger just got bigger when I saw all the pictures of Jennie and me kissing. I threw all the pictures onto the floor with all my force, the glass shattering on the floor. I saw the teddy bear that Jennie bought me for my birthday laying on the couch and I felt my heart break. I walked over to the bear and picked it up with both of my hands, just looking at it with a smile, remembering how she gave it to me. Her cute smile that turned my cold heart into a warm one, her pretty face I would think of whenever I felt sad, her way of behavior that made me smile so much..... all of this... gone.

I just stood up with all of my feelings gone, all of the feelings I felt before just disappeared. The hate, the sadness.... I felt how my life just got more worthless as I looked into the eyes of the teddy bear. I walked over to the door of my apartment with the teddy bear still in my arms as I walked through the doorframe.

I exited the building completely walking through the rain, not caring about getting wet. I was soaked in just a few seconds but I kept walking.... I didn't know where to go so I just walked with my mind completely blank. As I arrived at a gas station I looked over to some guys that were just sitting in front of the door drinking beer. They seemed all pretty drunk but I didn't care.

"Hey kiddo, still can't get rid of your teddy bear you got from your mother when you were a baby. Naaw come in mommys arms." He said as he walked towards me with both of his hands in the air, looking like he wants to hug me.

"Tsk, fuck off idiot or I'm going to fuck you up completely." I growled and could hear all of the others laugh.

They all stood up and walked towards me, making a circle around me so I couldn't leave anywhere. The guy in front of me grabbed the bear out of my hands and made me so angry. I wanted to punch him so badly but the two guys behind me grabbed both of my hands, stopping me from moving anywhere.

The guy who held the bear Jennie gave me pulled out a knife out of his pocket all of a sudden and cut off an arm of the bear making me scream.


He held the bear right in front of my eyes as he ripped off the other arm making a small tear to appear on my face.... no way. He ripped off one leg and that was the moment I gathered all of my strength to get free and punch his face directly causing something to break... probably his nose. I smiled when I saw him falling onto the ground and got on top of him, throwing punches at him in the fastest way possible.


I could hear him groan but I got stopped by an unbearable pain in my chest. I gasped as I looked down onto my jacket just to see how red it got. The knife was burried inside so deep that there was no way to continue to punch him. I screamed when the guy who stabbed me twisted the knife and pulled it out causing me to fall onto the ground still screaming.

"OH SHIT YOU FUCKING STABBED HIM, COME ON RUN YOU IDIOT." One of them screamed and all of them ran away, leaving me completely alone.

The rain falling onto my whole body as I felt how life faded out of my body every second that passed. I grabbed the teddy bear next to me that was completely destroyed, soaked and only one leg was left but I held it right above my head to look onto it. I smiled when I felt my sight getting darker and hugged the bear.

"I love you Jennie." Was the last thing I whispered before the darkness got over my eyes completely.

A/N: I'm not crying, you are.

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