Jisoo - Drunk

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I was sitting on a bench with my girlfriend Jisoo next to me and just sighed as she kept talking. She was totally drunk and was talking nonsense all the time.

"Hey, hey Y/N! Awre ywou a magician?" Jisoo said sounding so drunk making me chuckle.

"What?" I asked between my laughs.

"Because whenever I look at ywou, everyone else disappears."

"Oh my god, stop." I said laughing out loud, whenever Jisoo is drunk, she just makes me laugh so much.

"I hawve another one." She said while laughing herself.

"Why are you even flirting with me." I asked her but she just ignored me, telling me her pick up lines.

"Do I know ywou? Because ywou look a lot like my next boyfriend."

"But I am your boyfriend. What are you talking about." I asked laughing even more now.

"Are ywou a parking ticket?" She asked, not looking like she would stop any time soon.


"Cause you've got fine written all over you."

"You're way too drunk, Jisoo." I said chuckling.

"I lost mwy phone numbwer, can I have yours?"

"The year 2012 called, they want their pick up line back." I said shaking my head "Come on, be creative."

I saw how she pouted as she thought about another one.

"Kiss me if I am wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?" She said making me smile as I leaned forward.

"You're totally wrong Jisoo." I said chuckling as I connected our lips, tasting the alcohol from her lips.

I realized how she suddenly pulled away quickly with her eyes widened.

"That was just a jwoke! Why did ywou kiss me?! I have a boyfriend!" She said almost screaming as she pulled out her phone "Oh my god, I have to tell my boyfriend about this, he will totally beat ywou up!"

I just stared at her as she swiped around on her phone making me furrow my eyebrows. She tapped on one contact and held her phone on her ear.

I realized how my phone suddenly started vibrating making me shake my head, a sigh escaping my lips.

I answered the call.

"Y/N, come hwere! A guy just kissed me even though he knew I have a boyfriend." She said making me laugh "Come hwere and beat him up."

"Jisoo, look at the guy who kissed you." I said shaking my head.

She looked to me and her mouth formed an 'o' as she started laughing herself.

"Whoops." She said, ending the call and leaning her head against my shoulder "I'm so dwunk."

"Yes, you are Jisoo." I said chuckling.

She removed her head from my shoulder as she looked into my eyes. I leaned forward to kiss her again and was expecting her to kiss me back but she had the same reaction like before. She pulled back with widened eyes.

"I already told ywou I have a boyfriend!" She said loudly, shaking her head "You shouldn't kiss random girls!"

She got her phone and called me again, making me sigh when I felt my phone vibrate again. I grabbed her phone out of her hand and kissed her again and this time she finally wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me back.

"I'm so happy to have you as my girlfriend Jisoo." I said looking into her eyes deeply.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Jisoo."

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A/N: I know this story is all over the place and it's short but I really wanted to write something like this for a long time lmao.

Tell me your best pick up line 👀

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