Lisa - Breakup

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„Y/N?" Lisa said, surprising me.

She never called me with my real name, we always called each other with our nicknames. Something is wrong.

„Yes princess?" I asked confused.

We were both sitting on the couch of my living room while watching TV. Lisa slowly removed her head of my chest and sat up, looking at me.

I did the same and faced her, we were now sitting while facing each other. I looked directly into her face but she tried to avoid my gaze.

„Could you stop calling me like that?" Lisa asked making me confused.

We have been in a relationship since we were 16 years old and I always called her princess. She never complained before.

„What do you mean? I always call you like that." I said raising an eyebrow.

She finally looked into my eyes and I could see her eyes filling with tears.

„N-No... i-it's just." She sighed „Y/N we should break up."

What did she say? T-That's not possible.


„I want to break up." Lisa said looking away again.

I suddenly felt a deep pain inside my body as I repeated her words in my head

'I want to break up'

These are the words I never wanted to hear. The words I was scared of to hear. The words that could destroy my life. The words that make me cry.

Tears rolling down my cheeks as Lisa looked back into my eyes. I opened my mouth to say something but the words wouldn't come out. The only thing that came out of my mouth were my small sobs.

„It's not working anymore Y/N. I don't feel like I love you anymore." Lisa said as she realized that I couldn't talk.

I covered my eyes with my hands as tears fell down onto the couch. Her words hurt me so much. Sobs escaping my mouth and it was hard for me to breathe. I heard Lisa stand up and I looked up when I heard the door of my apartment close.

Lisa left me alone.... Heartbroken.

I grabbed the pillow on the couch and just burried my face into it, my tears making it wet. This is all just a bad dream.... there's no way this is happening for real.

I cried myself into sleep.


I woke up the next day in the morning with the TV still on. The morning news started to talk about Blackpink and I immediately turned the volume up. The news reminding me of yesterday and it immediately made me tear up.

„Blackpink Lisa started dating a member of Ikon." The news lady said making me gasp.

This quick?!

Tears flowing out of my eyes as I heard that. She really didn't love me anymore. How.... How am I going to forget all the memories we had.

The next words I heard made me cry out loud. I couldn't believe it. My heart felt so empty, all my feelings suddenly turned sad. I lost all the strength in my body and just fell onto the pillow. I screamed into the pillow as the lady kept talking.

'YG confirmed that they have been dating for 2 years already.'

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but this was an idea I really wanted to write. I don't really know what to write about anymore so if u have a request, please let me know 👀

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