Rosé - 60 roses

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Requested by: @mehxo_21
(Sorry, Idk why I can't tag you)
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Rosé's POV
I was listening to music while I was doing my homework in the library so nobody could disturb me.

"God, who the hell comes up with this?!" I groaned as I laid my head onto my maths book, completely frustrated because I didn't understand anything at all.

And as if my maths problems weren't enough, the next problem was already walking towards me as I rolled my eyes.

"Uhm, hey Chaeyoung?" Y/N asked as I just sat up again and looked at him with a bored expression.

"Huh? What do you want? If you're here because of the same thing like everytime then please don't talk to me." I said as I took the pen again and tried to focus onto the math problems.

"I-I wrote this for you." He stuttered as he placed a pink envelope onto the desk and ran away again.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked onto it. There was a heart drawn onto it with my name in it, causing me to cringe as I just sighed.

I opened the letter and the first words that I read immediately made me put it back into the envelope as shivers ran down my spine.

"Cheesy." I whispered as I put it into my bag while shaking my head.

I focused onto the math problems again but there was no chance I could solve them. I groaned as I grabbed my books and my bag and walked out of the library, to my next class.

~ The next day ~

Walking down the hallway, I saw Y/N walking towards me again.

"Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me." I whispered to myself as I tried to walk past him but my prayers didn't help.

"Uhm... Chaeyoung?" Y/N asked as I just groaned again and stopped in front of him.

"What?" I asked, clearly showing how annoyed I am.

I saw him pull out a rose that he was hiding behind his back all the time, giving it to me.

"This is for you!" He said as he ran away again.

I raised my left eyebrow as I looked at the rose in my hand. I really don't want this to be honest.... I looked to the trash can right next to me as I just shrugged my shoulders and threw it inside, not thinking about it anymore.


As weeks passed Y/N always did these "cute" things to me every day and I would reject him every time but he just wouldn't accept it.

I know I should tell him that he should stop but it somehow was a part of my day every day. It was something I would look forward to, just to see what he would come up with the next day to win my love. It was pretty annoying sometimes but at some days he really did cute things like giving me a cute teddy bear.

I placed that bear on my bed and would cuddle with it every night, falling asleep with him in my arms.

I can't lie, I did actually fall for Y/N a little bit since these actions were really cute and his dedication made him look really cute as well but I still rejected him every single day.

One day as I was walking through the hallways he walked towards me again, making me smile in my thoughts but I managed to look annoyed again as he gave me a rose.

"This is for you!" He said and ran away, like every other day.

I just smiled while I looked at the rose and put it inside my bag as I walked to my next class.

~ Timeskip 1 week ~

As I walked down the hallway I just sighed...

"Where is he?" I asked myself as I kept walking.

Y/N was nowhere to be seen.

I haven't seen him for a whole week now and somehow missed his attempts at making me fall in love with him. It felt like the school days last longer since he stopped showing up every day and it bothers me a lot to be honest.

As I was almost near the classroom for my class I saw something that shattered my heart.

A girl leaning against the lockers as Y/N's hands were right next to her head, they were kissing, both of them smiling into the kiss.

I widened my eyes as tears were already forming in my eyes.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself as I wiped away the tears.

I started running to the classroom as small sobs escaped my mouth.

Why does it hurt this much?

I'm the one who rejected him all the time... So why am I sad about him kissing another girl?


I was sitting on my swivel chair as I kept scrolling through the pictures on my phone. Tears falling down my cheeks as I swiped through every single picture of the roses he gave me.

I took a picture of every single one he gave me. I don't know why... but I just felt like it was cute to have this with me....

I looked onto my desk as I saw the pink envelope with my name on it...

"I still haven't read it..." I whispered to myself.

'Hey Rosé!
I know this is probably really weird and annoying to you but you're the prettiest girl I have ever met in my life so I wanted to tell you something really important...

There is a shop right next to my house and whenever I leave to go to school I walk into it to buy a rose for you.

Once when I was buying a rose for you the shop keeper asked me if these roses I bought for you were for someone special.

I answered the question with a yes but I also told him that you didn't like me the way I liked you so he just smiled to me as he gave me an advice.

"I will give you a rose every day for free for the next 60 days and you should give it to her every day... If she doesn't fall in love with you after these 60 days then try to move on instead of trying it over and over again. It would just break your heart if she falls for someone else."

These were exactly his words and I'm trying to follow his advice... so please give me a chance for the next 60 days.

In love,

Sobs escaped my mouth as I cried out loudly after these words. I looked onto my phone and counted the pictures I took of these roses Y/N gave me.

They were exactly 59....

I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the first one he gave me because I threw it away...

I-I'm so dumb for not reading that letter first...

I... I don't know if I can move on....

'I love you Y/N'

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A/N: Ayy! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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