Will's Crimes

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Nico POV
I'm a detective. And a good one, at that. I solve crimes and look good doing it. A real life version of that hot detective person. You know the one.

Oh, wait. Sorry about the confusion. That description was for my friend, Reyna. Here's my description; A good detective, but very socially awkward. I solve crimes and look sleep deprived doing it.

Yeah. That's better. More accurate.

"Nico, we're going to Chad's bar. You in?" Reyna asks. I nod and stand up, grabbing my coat and bag, and following her out the door.

"He's hot." Reyna says, tilting her head to gesture to a dashing young man in an environmental protection shirt.
"Yeah. But he's with that woman. She's probably his girlfriend."
"Pretty sure she's his sister."
I nod. "Hm. I'll.... I'll get his number. Probably." I look down at my drink. "Probably not. But I'll ask."

I wave at him and he blushes. I walk over.
"Hi. I'm Detective Di Angelo. Er- Nico. I'm Nico."
The blond guy looks from side to side and smiles. "I'm Will."
His (I hope) sister whispers something to him. His eyes fill with panic as his sister smirks.
"Oh my God!" He yells. "Officer, I'm so sorry! Please, don't arrest me! I didn't realize that the cup was recyclable! If I had known, I would have recycled like a decent human being. I'm so sorry."
"What?" I ask, confused. "I'm not going to arrest you. I don't care that you didn't recycle a cup."
"Don't arrest me! Please! I'm a pop culture sensation!"
"That's not true." The woman mutters from beside him.
"I don't care that you didn't recycle that cup," I say, "I didn't even know that. And we don't arrest people for that."
"OooOOOoooHHhhhh." Will shouts, "So you don't care about the environment. Typical. You people disgust me. I bet you use plastic water bottles! I bet you don't even carry reusable bags! How dare you? Do you have no respect for this planet?"
"Do you..... want me arrest you?"
"I want you to want to!"
I sigh. "Fine. Oh, dang. You got me this time, criminal. You'd better run. But give me your number first because I've got a thing for environmental activists."
"Fine." Will places his hand on his head. "I will go out with you as payment for my crimes."
"You don't have to go out with me. I'm not going to make you date me."
"No, no. This is justice. I will take this punishment with honor. Do what you must."
"So," I say, "Do you want to go out with me or not? I'm getting pretty mixed signals."
I mean, he was saying yes, but he was also referring to a date as a punishment, so I don't really know.
"Yes, Nico." Will says, dropping the criminal facade, "I want to go out with you."
"Oh! Great! Um, here's my number."

AN// Have a pun. Will's a criminal. A crimiWill! I get humor.

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