Lost Again

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~Part One~

              I leap off the bench and climb into Lillia's arms. She steps back. I release.
              "Thank you Lillia." I say.
              "Anytime." She smiles. Suddenly, she turns and reveals Ky. Tears come rapid and I don't wipe them away.
              "Ky." I say through the happiness and confusion of it all. I leap into his arms and I sink. His warmth is the only thing keeping me going.
               "Okay. We need an escape plan." He says. His fingers intertwined with mine.
                "You're right." I stare to a young girl that looks similar to Ky, and then to Alora and Beatriz. I was probably the last pick-up.
                "I- is that-?" I am cut off by Ky. He mouths 'later.' I nod. I start walking and about halfway towards the hallway I trip, but before I fell, Ky had to steady me. I limp my way through the rest of the  trip. Once we successfully make it through towards the landing bay I spot what looks to be our transport. I smile at Ky and we send off running, which was difficult, but I forced my body to push on.
               We hide, skillfully, behind a load of crates. Soon enough we are in the ship and ready to take off.
               I walk off the ramp with Ky alongside. "I love you." I say. Our eyes meet. "I love you, too." He says. I laugh and lean in closer. Once inside the ship, I take my normal position at gunner, but Ky stops me. "You need rest." He says.
               "No, I don't!" I protest. "I'm perfectly fine." I say and raise my chin.
               "Come on." He says beckoning me out. I follow and lower my head in defeat. He takes me to a room in the ship and lays me down on the couch. He takes off his jacket and covers me. I didn't realize I was cold until I was given his warmth. Pain ached throughout my body.
                 "Thank you." I mutter. He shoots me a knowing look and I fall into a well-needed rest.

                 I successfully lead the stubborn, Mandalorian, we all know and love, to bed. She laid there with ratted hair and had large purple bags lining her eyes. She dozed off almost instantly.
                 I moved out of the room and went to the cockpit where Beatriz, Ursa, Lillia and Alora were hanging out. We had successfully started into hyperspace.
                  "She's asleep?" Lillia asks.
                   "Yes." I say and cross my arms. I lean against the door frame of the ship. Ursa pats the chair next to her. Lillia had taken her spot at co-pilot. I'm not surprised Beatriz didn't let up her spot. She's just as stubborn as Sumya. Their little feuds, that are of nothing, never end. I would hate to have to stop them, luckily that job is bestowed onto Tieyan, who now sits next to Ursa, because I decided to stand. Also, she has already claimed the chair and I wasn't sure I wanted to mess with her.
"Oh yeah, Ky, by the way, you break her heart, I break you." She says, I laugh. "I'm not kidding." She plays with the pistol on her weapon belt which makes me uncomfortable, but I don't back down.
"Says the pacifist." I retort.
"Oh, oh, that can easily change." She smiles which makes the situation even worse. "Oh and if I don't kill you Beatriz knows the ways to kill you fast and easy, or slowly and painful, but I don't think you want to go there." I back away like a kicked dog but stand my ground.
Lillia laughs. "Oh, I hope you make it out." Alora states and laughs as well.
"Thanks for the support guys." I choke out finally and then find my way out of the conversation and back to where Sumya sleeps. I lay down on a couch across the room, and slowly fall into sleep that I had lost over the past weeks...

**Hey guys! This is my new book! I hope you enjoy it!**

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