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"Sumya? Sumya?" Alora calls through the comlink. She continued to try to get through to me, but my hand covered the comlink. I had to be silent. I start to crawl and stalk backwards, careful of branches, which practically covered the woods. At least I had cover.
"Sumya?! Sumya?! Are you okay?" Alora continues to repeat. Once I am clear and out of ear-shot of the First Order, I answer.
"I'm okay." I pull the comlink to my mouth. "Snoke is here. He has come to destroy Mandalore." I start to sprint to Clan Wren.
"I know." Alora sighs. Fear traces her every word, but she's brave. She's always been. "Sumya do you remember the time when Bo-Katan died, and you had just been given the job to rule Mandalore?"
"Yes. How could I forget?" I shake my head. Another sigh escapes Alora. "The first time we met."
"Sumya..." she pauses.
"Alora, what?" I push her.
I eventually reach Clan Wren. Alora breathes. "Sumya... that wasn't the first time we met."
• • •
"What!" I burst through the door.
"Before you freak out, just come back." I hear Ky say in the background.
"Okay. Sumya out." I push the button to turn off the communicator. I push through crowds with ease. The crowds move out of my way.
I reach the surveillance room and burst through the door. Everyone turns.
"Explain." I sit in a chair and Alora leaves the screens. Ky takes over. I don't leave Alora's eyes.
"We met before the death of Bo-Katan." I gawk.
"Wha- how?-" Her hand stops me.
"We met on a mission. A mission to find Snoke's vessel." I let her continue. "You were with Tieyan and I was alone. You didn't trust the mission, but you trusted me, because I was mandalorian. You accepted me and pushed me to tell you my life story. Nothing new." I laughed, only a little bit. "You were the person that lead me to Clan Wren only a little bit after Khann died." Her voice trailed a little bit. Sorrow and pain drifted and was revealed underneath Alora's dark gaze into the past. "Then, during the mission, we found his ship, but were taken into a tractor beam. We met with Snoke and he forced us to mind-wash ourselves or he would destroy Mandalore and he would destroy-" I interrupted her.
"You. He would destroy you." I choked. "And my family." Alora nodded. "How long have you known this?" I asked her. Then stared at everyone else. Lillia had come in. She shook her head and then I looked at Ky. "I had no idea." He says finally. Tieyan didn't say a word, nor did Beatriz.
                              "Snoke and you were the only ones to know? How'd you remember."  I shook my head. This had to be a dream. 
                               "I just remembered. I found this." She held out a necklace. It had the rebel symbol on it. She held it out to me. I took it.
                              "This was mine... I think." I questioned myself. Searching my brain and memory for answers. Then it came to me. Images flashed all to quickly... then it all settled.

                                 "Alora... I won't ever see you again." Tears streamed my face. Her face was covered in tears as more of my own beckoned to come. Snoke stared looking at us, malice dripping through is intentions.
                              "Do it!" He screeched. His voice raspy. My breath came in short rasps. A lump in my throat sobbed making my it hurt. More tears came.
                              "Sumya you have to." She looked down and ripped a necklace from her neck. "Take this. As remembrance." The necklace had a rebel symbol on it. I took it. I wrapped it around my neck and tied it on. "Thank you." I whisper and smile. Alora lifts her hand and waves it across my face. "You will forget everything about me. You will forget me." Her voice chokes.

                                    The image ends. I open my eyes. Sweat covered me.
                                      "I remember."

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now