A Long Journey

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~Part Two~

SUMYA WREN         
          I look down at the short, snow-tipped grass. I let out a shaky breath. I've been here before, years ago. The grass is taller and there is more of it. Itś begun growing back. Mandalore is thriving. My leader skills must be improving.
    Snap! A stick behind me breaks. "Oh Ky." I laugh and in return I am tackled to the ground by someone familiar.

"I finally got you!" Ky says, as he lifts me from the ground.

"If that stick wouldn't have broke it would have been perfect." My smile widens.

    I pause then ask,"Ky how did you get here? You are in a total different clan. You are not supposed to be here!"

"I got in from the woods. It was quite easy actually." He chuckles. 

"That's not good. That means that the Empire can attack at any time!" I giggle.

"You mean First Order, and why can't you get your mind off the war?"

"Why aren't you worried about the war? We are both thirteen and we are going to be in a war. This is important. I'm not ready to fail now." I counter.

"I know." My smile fades, as does Ky.


My eyes flutter open and tears come. I open my eyes to the same plain, gray, quarter room as before. The light gray walls, rising to meet an even darker gray ceiling. I lay on a simple mattress, the color of white, with a thin sheet. The mattress is hard, but I don't mind. The side of the mattress connects to the wall. I sit upright on the bed and let my legs dangle. I look at the wall and door in front of me, holding me in, almost like a locked cage, hiding a scared animal. My small closet holds my armor, and extra clothing.

Tears come rapidly. Another dream. These fantasies I have visited for the past two months, taunt me. Remind me that I killed the one I truly love.

I hop off my bed and start walking towards my closet. I open it to find three pairs of mandalorian armor. They each have a starbird,besides the red one, that one has a bear. The red represents Ky, and his blood. One is purple the others blue and red. I pick the most recent one, the red, and pull it over my head and down my back. The soft clothing glides gently down my skin and I then pull up my matching khaki pants. I quickly grab my weapon belt leaving my dark saber and I don't abandon Ky's pistol.

I hold the pistol in my hands, grasping the last thing of him I own. He died because of me. He died because I couldn't let go. I can't bring myself to the facts. He's gone.
I walk the hallways of Clan Wren, my head hanging low. I didn't deserve their trust or love. I take a swift turn. Why am I still their leader? I let my people down long ago, why can't they just leave? Why don't they leave?
The long route I usually take, stops short. I find a room that saddens my heart and makes it plummet into my stomach.
I clutch the handle to Bo-Katan's quarters. I walk in to see everything in its original place from before the murder, besides Bo-Katan herself. My heart quickens as I step closer. Her mattress the same as mine (as everyone's,) her walls the same as everyone's, her belongings, her own. I stumble upon purple and turquoise hair decorators. They were Satine's, her sisters. She was murdered by an evil sith. Darth Maul, had killed her in an attempt to ruin Master Kenobi, and he succeeded for the time it took Kenobi to move on. In the end, Kenobi won and left Maul with the deepest respects for his old enemy, and the old sith died in peace, on the gliding sands of Tatooine. He didn't deserve it.
I had lost many to a sith, and I do not plan on letting Kylo die in peace. He killed Mandalore and I sit waiting for the grass to grow back. I haven't found a single blade.

I sit down on Bo-Katan's mattress that seemed so familiar. I had kept this place together with everything the same place as it was. Why can't I let go?

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