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                    "You know I can't do that." I step back cautiously.
                     "I guess you're not leaving then." He is about to press something that I think is a com. I extend my hand.
                      "No don't!" His hand leaves the control panel and folds his hands behind his back. I laugh, annoyed. "You- you really want me to step out of my boundaries."
                     He laughs. "I'll take that as a yes." He pulls his decently long hair out of his eyes and starts walking towards me.  I groan.
                    "Fine, but if you threaten to hurt Tieyan or Alora you're a goner." He's only two feet away when he answers.
                    "I don't do too well to commands." He walks towards the exit. I stand, stopped in my tracks. That sounds... familiar.
"You coming or what?" He asks winking. I roll my eyes and follow him.
We leave without any issues and I take him to Clan Wren. About a mile away we come across an army. An army of dead soldiers. Our soldiers.... mandalorians.
"No!" I scream running towards them, checking for any survivors. I come across multiple stormtroopers. No survivors. The boy from before follows behind keeping his space. I turn to him. His normally pale skin is white. "You did this." I walked towards him and my fist meets his stomach. He launched backward in surprise as he coughs to regain air. "You stalled me!" I scream. "Now the First Order is killing my planet!" That's when it hits me. "The final battle has begun..." Before I can think I turn to the boy. He has taken a gun in hand. He pulls the trigger.

• • •
My mind swirls. I was stunned. I think of all of Mandalore. I think of Lillia. Had she come back yet? My eyes shifted and the world came to view. I lay there hoping for the best. Hoping for death. Instead I find the worst. The boy from before. I look up at him and groan.
"You idiot." I mumble. I try to get up and submerge my fists into his face, when I realize I can't move. I look down at rope wrapped around multiple times around my stomach and hands and ankles. I strain and try releasing myself from the awful restraints holding me from my sweet revenge. I fumble and shift into and uncomfortable state. The boy laughs. He is taller than me, slightly, but by the looks of him he is no fighter.
"What are you going to do now? Shoot me for real this time?" He laughs again. Of course he finds this funny. "A war is going on on my home planet and you sit here and laugh while I sit and watch?" Anger rages inside me.
"Oh the ropes were so you wouldn't kill me, but Sumya..." he pauses, unsettling me. "The war is over."

• • •
I scream. Tieyan emerges from no where and looks fine and completely calm.
"Tieyan! Let me go! That man-"
"Sumya that man is on our side and his name is Quin." She pauses. "Sumya, half of Mandalore is dead. The First Order captured you to slow you down. The war isn't completely over. Most of our army, and the other clans are fighting right now-" I interrupt.
"Then let me fight!" Tieyan stops me with a hand.
"Lillia won't let you-"
"Who cares about Lillia! Let me go." My mind screams. I must save my people. I'm away from where I was before. I'm hidden in the woods.
"Lillia didn't want you dead." The stupid prophecy. "Now you're going to stay here with Quin. And he'll guard you." I want to stop her. I want to fight this war, but she's right. If I die Mandalore may die too. The vision had the death of Ahsoka and possibly Ky and me. Mandalore can't lose anymore Jedi. Lillia should be here. That's when my heart drops.

Tieyan said Lillia didn't want me dead.


Lillia's dead...

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now