Awake Alive and Ready

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My eyes flutter open and I am back in my quarters. I look at Alora, who is just as confused as I am. "Alora?" I ask her. "What did you see, Alora?" I call. No answer. "Alora!" I shake her this time.
"Snoke already has Lillia." Her voice calls softly. A tear strokes her face. She stares through me.
"Alora wake up!"
"Snoke has Khann!" Her eyes glare at me, a spark brightened in them.
"Alora," I pause. "That would be impossible." I look down, I wasn't just talking to her, but myself. Ky couldn't have lived. He isn't with Snoke. Tears come. Oh, how familiar.

                   Kylo walks to the detention level, taking large strides in anticipation. He had finally taken something more from Sumya. After creating war on Mandalore and killing half her people, he still searched for more. He searched for Ky Leinajo and retrieved him, as well as the people who know of Skywalker. He took Lillia Skywalker and Beatriz Solo.
"We had brainwashed Alora and Sumya before, why not brainwash Ky?" Kylo had suggested only but a month before. His devilish smile crossed his face, flashing a sign of enjoyment when his master put his mission into action, and now, the mission has begun.
Kylo stops at a cell and the sliding door opens with a creak. Inside, it reveals a young boy, sided by two young girls.
"Ky..." malice dripped from Kylo's voice. The boy's eyes lifted and found Kylo. His hair was ragged and he still sat in the very same green armor as he wore during the war.
Two stormtroopers take Ky by the arms and drag him out of the cell. The third one takes the rear, leading him to forget everything he used to know. Leading him to forget Sumya.

I watch in horror as they take Ky out of the room. I sense danger in every footstep Ky takes away from Beatriz and I. I had given Tieyan the map to Skywalker to keep it safe. She promised it would be kept safe, with either her or Del. Del Meeko. Former Imperial, then eternal rebel. Partnered with Iden Versio.
Kylo paces the room. Beatriz meets his gaze with just as much fire as his.
"Ben-," she's cut short.
"Ben Solo died. I killed him." I sense pain in Kylo. I wish I could understand why. I wish I could see what he sees. I wish I knew his side, but for now, I must keep an open ear and a closed mouth. I reach out to Kylo's mind and make my way through. He keeps it unguarded as he lets out his anger on Beatriz, speaking with such anger she flinches and looks away.
"You left me." He says quietly, almost inaudible, that's when I see something.

Morai stands farther away and hops into a ship. "I'm going to leave with or without you. Are you in?" I hear her voice before the engine starts and she takes off.
"I can't." I hear him choke.
"Yes you can. You-you're just afraid. You're afraid you'll lose power." Morai's voice raises.
"Stop!" He growls in agitation. "Don't read my mind." I hear Morai start to cry a little and the image fades. I come back to Kylo and he stares right at me.
"I will kill Skywalker if it's the last thing I do." He starts towards the door, when my anger has reached its maximum.
"If only you could find him."

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now