Trouble is Made

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I stare in shock at the man who I had thought I knew. "Ky?" My voice shakes. I stare around the room. My eyes land on Kylo and I feel his smirk beneath the stupid, idiotic mask of his. "You brainwashed him." My face twists and curls into an ugly snarl.
"Yes, I did." He answers but before I can ask he already knows what to say. "No I cannot brainwash you," He pauses, "yet."
My breath catches in my throat and I time seems to be manipulated. I close my eyes for a second and I feel the air get warmer, a migraine forms, and my vision deteriorates. "Please." I beg with what strength I can muster. It doesn't stop. It only intensifies, until I lose myself in the absence of consciousness.

                I look forward at the deep abyss of space. Faraway stars brighten as I push in the coordinates of Snoke's ship that I tracked. It had been at least a week of planning and I had began to become restless. My hands shake and my head spins. I also haven't slept. How could I? How could I sleep when I know someone I love is at stake because of me? Why do I have so much hope and belief that he is alive and well when it is impossible to tell? Why doesn't this pain of loss end?
                  I pull the hyperspace lever and watch as the ship bursts to full speed. I took the stolen imperial transport ship. Or stole it, but that doesn't matter now. Ky matters now.
                  My stomach growls and I stand to go grab something to eat. Hunger is an awful pain. Not as bad as losing the ones you love so dearly, but it still hurts. My footsteps echo as I step towards food that I haven't eaten for about a week. I reach to grab some when a slide door opens. I jump.
                    I grab my pistol and point it at my unknown follower. I stand about two yards away from a young girl I know all too well.
                    "Tieyan!" I scold throwing my gun down in frustration. "What are you doing here? How'd you know I left?"
                     "Sumya, I'm your twin. I can tell when something's up. We also have telekinesis." I laugh at the childish joke and except an embrace.
                      "You nit-witted-" Tieyan interrupts.
                       "I'm only nit-witted because of my years spent living with you!" She laughs and sticks out her tongue at me. I had forgotten my family for the past year. Life and death had taken their toll. "Anyway, I wasn't 'gonna have you go get yourself killed. Not without me!"
                    I had not a thought of what she was getting at so I just nodded. "Thanks." I leave it at that and open a small container. Tieyan shoots me a look. "What! I'm hungry!" Tieyan looks through me and points toward the cockpit and through the large window, looking out to Snoke's ship. I look down.
                    "This is suicide!" She scoffs.
                     "That's what I'm hoping for."


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