Too Weak

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KYLO REN (first person)
                    Morai matches my pace. Steadily, we move towards the coordinates of Clan Wren. It is located in Crowsnest. Morai shivers. I take her hand in mine. We've kept ourselves hidden for so long. We kept the very reason I'm still in the war, a secret. I need to gain power. I need to protect Morai, my sister and my mother. My father wasn't really there in my life. He betrayed my mother. Now I must betray him, at some point. I need to get close to Snoke. He needs to know I'm with him, even though my allegiance will be with her. Where my heart lies.

                  I hold on to Ky.  I hope I get to kill someone with power. I want to stop the pain they hold on me and everyone around me. If not Kylo, then Hux. They are both aggravatingly annoying, and common to see. They both want to kill everything and everyone I love or even have anything to do with me. They plan on burning Mandalore, as a whole, and it's my fault. My living  being is the reason that hundreds of mandalorians are going to die, indirectly at my hand. If only I could stop it. If only my weak being could do it. If only my doubts and fears that surround everything I do would end,  stoping me from hurting everyone I come in contact with. Killing and burning all wildlife, seeking someone to hold on to, but meanwhile doing that, putting them in danger! How could I be so selfish to hold on! How could I be so needy and weak. Oh weak heart give up. Burn before any more are put at risk. Crush and collapse the area in my heart that is holding a piece for Ky and my family and those I hold close. Stop, before Mandalore and everyone with it dies. End the pain of loss, and start saving. Start being free of your selfishness, that you tend to have so much of. Stop hurting those around you, because you think you need to hold on to those you love. I should pay for my selfishness. I should give up, but they would kill him. They wouldn't just kill me. They would use my weakness. My love. My family. My friends. My attachments. Love makes you weak. Let go.
                          • • •
                    Ky let's go. Holding me close, still. I pull him towards me one last time. I place a gentle kiss to his lips and walk away. I can't look at him now. It's too hard.
                   "Let me go, alone. I need to take care of everything on my own." My voice chokes. My heart crushes as instructed. I force myself to stay standing. My legs can't give out  now. He chokes, laughing lightly.
                     "Sumya, stop. We've been over this." He comes closer, turning me around to face him.
                      "Let me go."

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