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               I continue to take out soldiers until there is only one remaining. Without a thought of objection, I grab the last remaining soldier and wrap my arm around her throat, until I realize who it is. I yield and release my grip. I fall to my knees, unintentionally, and am forced not to move. I grunt as my knees penetrate the ground. Kylo Ren. Kylo turns his arm extended my way, concentration molding his every move. Malice dripping from his presumed intention. My heart pounds, my head aches. I grit my teeth. This is it. My time here is over. I focus harder. Sumya, how dare you think of such selfish thoughts! You have to think of who lives in Mandalore, your family, your love! How dare you think of abandoning them all! Curse your need to die. Curse your need to hold on. Finally, curse your need for rest, when you are the only one who can save this dying world full of people.
I prepare myself for Kylo's wrath. I must live. I tell myself. I have to.
Kylo circles me. I grit my teeth. I can't move. I'm as frozen like the ice during the strongest winter on Hoth. Sweat beads my forehead as I feel Kylo's hold breaking, weakening. He forces himself to keep me steady, but I call to the force. I call to my only salvation.
I'm kneeling in front of Kylo. I choose to stare Kylo down right in the face as he circles around. I force as much spit as I can muster and spat right on Kylo's mask. He grunts and yells in aggravation as he cleans it off. He swears under his breath. A large smirk crosses my features. Suddenly, Kylo comes towards me. He strikes my face, causing my upper lip and nose to start bleeding. I grunt and the pain hits me fast. My blood tastes similar to the tears I've been too familiar with.
I look up, finding Morai's eyes fixated on me, even though beneath a mask. I look for any sign of sympathy, but realize she is not going to help me. I look farther into her mind, seeking something to hold onto. Oh weak heart give up! I find the first time we met. I was trying to escape, and I was doing her father a favor. I was sending a message. I could feel Morai's sympathy, though small, it was still there. She blocks my search.
I look at her begging for help. She retracts her gaze and looks directly downward. The hooded figure blocks her from view, and squats down at eye-level in front of me. I keep my head down, refusing to look her in the eye. She doesn't deserve the respect. The forceful strain from before is completely gone with no reminisce of pain. I can move.
The hooded figure takes my chin and forces me to look up. I look to see someone hidden beneath a dark mask, black, with golden/bronze decals. From the person's figure, she may be female. I instantly rip my face from her grasp. It doesn't take much effort. She removes her gloved hand. Soon enough, the hooded figure speaks.
"Sumya Wren." The voice is neutral. Deep. Malice dripped from it's every word. It couldn't be Snoke. This befuddled me. Who else could it be?
Suddenly, out of the blue, multiple in-time footsteps originate from behind me and I look back. Snoke stands tall in front of another battalion of armed stormtroopers. I'm dead for sure.
He snickers and his worn-scarred face looks older than it may be. Each soldier carried a heavy blaster, and there had to be at least a thousand, blending into an ocean of blacks and whites, surrounded by a green forest.
I gawked at the sight. Mandalore was surely doomed. The soldier revealed its mask. I averted my gaze towards the figure. I watched in shock as she revealed a Mirialan woman, about around Ahsoka's age with black diamond decals arching over her cheeks towards her nose.
"Bariss Offee..."

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now